@@ 192,13 192,16 @@ File: darkman.info, Node: Disabling existing themes, Prev: Working alongside t
Emacs does not by default disable the current theme when another one is
loaded, and while this behavior might seem counter-intuitive, we can
-always advise ‘darkman-set’ (and by extension ‘darkman-toggle’), or even
-‘load-theme’ if you prefer, to disable any existing themes first.
+always advise ‘darkman-set-theme’ (and by extension ‘darkman-toggle’),
+or even ‘load-theme’ if you prefer, to disable any existing themes
- (defadvice darkman-set (before no-theme-stacking activate)
- "Disable the previous theme before loading a new one."
+ (defun disable-existing-themes ()
+ "Disable any activated themes before loading a new one."
(mapc #'disable-theme custom-enabled-themes))
+ (advice-add #'darkman-set-theme :before #'disable-existing-themes)
File: darkman.info, Node: Debugging, Prev: Tips, Up: Top
@@ 263,10 266,10 @@ Node: Working alongside the built-in safety features3490
Ref: Working alongside the built-in safety features-Footnote-14717
Node: Working alongside the third-party spacious-padding package4834
Node: Disabling existing themes5843
-Node: Debugging6511
-Node: Is D-Bus running?6694
-Node: Is Darkman running?7082
-Node: Is Emacs built with D-Bus support?7557
+Node: Debugging6567
+Node: Is D-Bus running?6750
+Node: Is Darkman running?7138
+Node: Is Emacs built with D-Bus support?7613
End Tag Table