
18a9108246e92edbe1a7bbb31cca780c17426da2 — grtcdr 11 months ago 285083d
Fix broken link in the to-dos
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

M TODO.org
M TODO.org => TODO.org +3 -3
@@ 33,7 33,7 @@ This leads to a theme transition that isn't very smooth. I have no
idea what might be causing this, but a peek into Darkman's source code
could be helpful.
* DONE Themes will sometimes switch infinitely :help:
This causes Emacs to go haywire. The first time this happened was a
short time after merging [[pull:5][#5]]. I can reproduce it, but I haven't yet
understood what exactly causes it to occur.
This causes Emacs to go haywire. The first time this happened was a short time
after merging [[https://github.com/grtcdr/darkman.el/pull/5][#5]]. I can reproduce it, but I haven't yet understood what exactly
causes it to occur.