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v0.15.0 2 years ago .tar.gz browse log

battery: add '%S' specifier for displaying battery status through a symbol

See for all the details.

v0.14.2 2 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Important: move from vulnerable chrono crate to time.

v0.14.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Tales of a stylus.

This release includes various under-the-hood tweaks to the codebase,
essentially ridding citron of boilerplate code, and exploring a
different approach to how icon logic should be handled internally.

It also fixes a bug that would result in battery percentage not showing
up in cases where your battery's state is unknown.

v0.13.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Changes in our documentation.

For more information, read

v0.12.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Feature: formatting symbols for the network notification

Read for a more detailed list of the new additions, fixes
and improvements.

v0.11.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

New features and improvements.

Read for more information.

v0.10.1 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

v0.10.1: Fix a warning

I forgot to upload v0.10.0, here's what happened:
- Fixed a bug that made it so the month (%m) showed up as a number and
  not its textual representation, e.g. "Jan"
- Added a new symbol (%M), which shows a long version of the current
  month, e.g. "January""

v0.9.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

BREAKING CHANGES: Configure through a config file

citron can only be configured through a config file now, as its
command-line interface has been stripped down to subcommands a few

An example configuration file can be found at:

For more information, run `man citron`.

v0.8.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

BREAKING CHANGES: Improvements to citron's CLI interface

This version makes improvements to citron's CLI interface, i.e. the
flags that you use to interact with it.

All of its functionalities have become subcommands.

- Previously: `citron --date`
- Now: `citron date`

This means options are now specific to their respective subcommand, e.g.
`--railway` will only show up when consulting the help section of the
`date` subcommand, and it will only work for it too.

One more thing, the usage of icons no longer requires calling two
different flags, one is enough, and that one has now been renamed
to just `-I`, it does not currently have a long name.

- Previously: `citron -nIT Papirus`
- Now: `citron n -I Papirus`

What in tarnation is 'n'? Well, that's an alias for the network

For more information, please consult citron's wiki at:

v0.7.0 3 years ago .tar.gz browse log

Relocate to

This is not a feature release, nor is it a bugfix release, citron just
relocated to, and thus its manifest (Cargo.toml) had to be updated.


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