Bump dependencies to their latest versions
Wrap first paragraph under a heading
Add configuration steps to README
Add usage steps to README
Bring installation steps to README
Remove the featured screenshot as it doesn't really convince anyone of
anything. citron offers no visual experience of its own, instead it
relies on notification daemons to deliver its information.
Apply various stylistic changes to the manual
Update disconnected network icon filename
Bump dependencies to their latest version
Every subcommand has its own timeout
- The general timeout still remains, used only when a subcommand isn't
configured to have its own timeout.
- Refactored is_railway()
- the format directive has been renamed to body, which seems more
README: Update the preview image
Rewrite CHANGELOG.md in a new format
* CHANGELOG: Replace CHANGELOG.md with Emacs' ChangeLog format
* .dir-locals.el: Add local configuration for Emacs
Simply project structure, removing config package.
chore: simplify Icon struct
Replace tables from manpages with normal text
This was mainly done so that the manpages could be converted to HTML.
groff treats tables as images, and thus fails to load them, when opened with a browser.