
A visual plan9 program for doing tattva vision meditation
Added a script to integrate with TarotFS
Fix from mstoney (thanks!) to still render when no option is clicked
Forgot to delete a now redundant array


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tattwa [-hAvtpabdh]
	-h	Print this help text and exit
	-A	Set the tattva to Akasha (spirit) [default]
	-v	Set the tattva to Vayu (water)
	-t	Set the tattva to Tejas (fire)
	-p	Set the tattva to Prithvi (earth)
	-a	Set the tattva to Apas (air)
	-b	Invert white and black (this will make Akasha white and the background black)
	-d	Display a dot on the central point of the tattva to focus vision on
Pressing space will hide the tattva, pressing any of the keys relating to a tattva option will select that tattva (e.g. pressing 't' will invoke Tejas)
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