tests: update parse_shoppinglist test
ncgroceries: remove unused variable i
ncgroceries: use .._it for iterators
ncgroceries is a ncurses client for ourgroceries.com. It is in no way an official client and the author is in no way affiliated with ourgroceries.com. ncgroceries is written in c++ and also provides a CLI program groceries-cli. API functions are built into a library called libgroceries.
Note: this is a work in progress, the ncurses interface is not finished. The TUI right now shows an unsorted shopping list where things can be crossed off but not added. The CLI (groceries-cli) works pretty well though.
The code was inspired by our-groceries-client (written in nodejs). Mitmproxy was used to study the traffic between the official ourgroceries client and their servers. Another related project providing the API functions, written in python, is py-our-groceries.
The accepted arguments are (as seen by groceries-cli --help
Usage: groceries-cli [OPTION...]
-v, --verify-ssl[=yes/no] Verify SSL traffic (no allows for MITM inspection)
-u, --username[=email] Email address for logging into Our Groceries
-p, --password[=password] Password for logging into Our Groceries
-l, --list[=list-name] Name of shopping list to retrieve
-a, --add[=item] Item to add
-x, --cross[=item] Item to cross off
-L, --print-list print content of main list
Help options:
-?, --help Show this help message
--usage Display brief usage message
Username, password and list can also be specified in a config file at
. An example conf file is provided that
can be copied to that location and then edited. Multiple items to add
or cross can be given as a comma separated list on the format: -a "[item1, item2, item with space]"
ncgroceries and groceries-cli depend on libcurl, libconfig, libpopt, jsoncpp and ncurses. It uses cmake for handling the configuring and making.
To install necessary dependencies and build tools, you can run (as root):
On ubuntu:
apt update && apt install libcurl libcurl-dev libconfig libconfig-dev libpopt libpopt-dev jsoncpp jsoncpp-dev ncurses ncurses-dev cmake build-essential
On archlinux:
pacman -Syu libcurl libconfig libpopt jsoncpp ncurses cmake gcc
After getting the dependencies you can do an out of source build by running
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..