I'm Yasha. I hack on Gentoo/Funtoo Linux or OpenBSD, and mostly work at my own firm Lupine Software LLC. I love greenery and vegetables.
Tools and data of book reading logs
This is a small defiance of memory on the verge of loss and contribution to somewhat of my motivation
The website of
My .vim
Personal .zsh configuration and scripts
Advent of Code Challenges
This is a test repository for myself to make sure git-sendemail works
A yet another validation library provides a macro inspired by Accord
A yet another static blog generator
The website hosted as
A yet another small flashcards library and CLI/TUI applications
A repository for miscellaneous scripts and utilities
Presentation tool utilizes LaTex Beamer package
A tracker application for MOTivational Intermittent Fasting
a personal tool that utilizes Window.localStorage for temporary tiny tasks