
85655fa3251b8c21f000dc04c2a8f54720c786f2 — Maxwell G 1 year, 6 months ago fd699d2
add new repository loading API and dep on requests

This works similarly to the Formatter API. Different RepoGs can be added
to a Repos container. There's a get_repo method to select a repository
from the container. Repos containers are immutable mappings, but they
support the `|` union operator to return a new Repos container.
Repositories may accept arguments. There's factory functions to create
RepoG classes based on a list repository specs or from a format string
that can be used when loading fedrq's toml configuration.

The `file` RepoG requires the requests library to download a .repo file
from a URL.

A private _copr_repo() method was added to fedrq.config.Release to parse
a string into a Copr URL for the `copr` RepoG. CoprRepoG also requires
requests to download a .repo file.

The ConfigError exception class was moved to a _config module to avoid
an import loop.
5 files changed, 327 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

M noxfile.py
M pyproject.toml
A src/fedrq/_config.py
M src/fedrq/config.py
A src/fedrq/release_repo.py
M noxfile.py => noxfile.py +1 -1
@@ 131,7 131,7 @@ def codeql(session: nox.Session):

def typing(session: nox.Session):
    install(session, ".", "tomli_w", "mypy", editable=True)
    install(session, ".[lint]", editable=True)
        "python", "-m", "mypy", "--enable-incomplete-feature=Unpack", "src/fedrq/"

M pyproject.toml => pyproject.toml +4 -2
@@ 33,6 33,7 @@ dependencies = [
    # "dnf",
    "pydantic ~= 1.0",
    "tomli; python_version<'3.11'",
    # Optional dependency for `fedrq check-config --dump`
    # "tomli-w",

@@ 42,11 43,12 @@ requires-python = ">=3.9"
lint = [
    # Optional fedrq runtime dependency
    # Optional fedrq runtime dependency
test = [

A src/fedrq/_config.py => src/fedrq/_config.py +9 -0
@@ 0,0 1,9 @@
# Copyright (C) 2023 Maxwell G <maxwell@gtmx.me>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later

from __future__ import annotations

class ConfigError(ValueError):

M src/fedrq/config.py => src/fedrq/config.py +29 -4
@@ 27,6 27,7 @@ else:

from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, validator

from fedrq._config import ConfigError
from fedrq._utils import merge_dict, mklog
from fedrq.backends import BACKENDS, get_default_backend

@@ 38,13 39,10 @@ if t.TYPE_CHECKING:

CONFIG_DIRS = (Path.home() / ".config/fedrq", Path("/etc/fedrq"))
DEFAULT_COPR_BASEURL = "https://copr.fedoraproject.org"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class ConfigError(ValueError):

class LoadFilelists(StrEnum):
    auto = auto_enum()
    always = auto_enum()

@@ 250,6 248,32 @@ class Release:
        bm.load_release_repos(self, "releasever" not in base_vars)
        return bm.fill_sack() if fill_sack else bm.base

    def _copr_repo(
        self, value: str, default_copr_baseurl: str = DEFAULT_COPR_BASEURL
    ) -> str:
        value = value.rstrip("/")
        if not self.copr_chroot_fmt:
            raise ValueError(
                f"{self.release_config.name} does not have 'copr_chroot_fmt' set"
        chroot = re.sub("-{arch}$", "", self.copr_chroot_fmt).format(
        if value.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
            return value + "/" + chroot

        frag = "coprs/"
        if value.startswith("@"):
            frag += "g/"
            value = value[1:]
        value, sep, copr_baseurl = value.partition("@")
        if not sep:
            copr_baseurl = default_copr_baseurl.rstrip("/")
        elif not copr_baseurl.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
            copr_baseurl = "https://" + copr_baseurl
        frag += value
        return f"{copr_baseurl}/{frag}/repo/{chroot}"

class RQConfig(BaseModel):
    backend: t.Optional[str] = os.environ.get("FEDRQ_BACKEND")

@@ 258,6 282,7 @@ class RQConfig(BaseModel):
    smartcache: bool = True
    load_filelists: LoadFilelists = LoadFilelists.auto
    _backend_mod = None
    copr_baseurl: str = DEFAULT_COPR_BASEURL

    class Config:
        json_encoders: dict[t.Any, Callable[[t.Any], str]] = {

A src/fedrq/release_repo.py => src/fedrq/release_repo.py +284 -0
@@ 0,0 1,284 @@
# Copyright (C) 2023 Maxwell G <gotmax@e.email>
# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
# ruff: noqa: ARG002

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import logging
import os
import re
import tempfile
from collections.abc import (
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, NoReturn

import requests

from fedrq._config import ConfigError

    from fedrq.backends.base import BaseMakerBase
    from fedrq.config import Release, RQConfig

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def _get_file(path: str) -> Iterator[str]:
    if path.startswith(("http://", "https://")):
            name = None
            LOG.info("Downloading %s", path)
            req = requests.get(path)
            if req.status_code != 200:
                raise ConfigError(f"Failed to download {path}")
            fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp()
            os.write(fd, req.content)
            yield name
            if name:
    elif path.startswith("file://"):
        yield path[7:]
        yield path

class RepoG(metaclass=abc.ABCMeta):
    Base class containing a repo group to load. These can be added to a Repos
    container class.

    name: str
    seperator: str
    args: str
    config: RQConfig
    release: Release
    container: Repos

    def __init__(
        name: str,
        seperator: str,
        args: str,
        container: Repos | None = None,
    ) -> None:
        self.name = name
        self.seperator = seperator
        self.args = args
        self.container = container or Repos({})

    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:

    def err_fmt(self, msg: str) -> ConfigError:
        return ConfigError(msg)

    def err(self, msg: str, from_value: Any = ...) -> NoReturn:
        if from_value == ...:
            raise self.err_fmt(msg)
            raise self.err_fmt(msg) from from_value

    def validate(self) -> None:
        if not self.seperator and not self.args:
            self.err("Expected an argument")

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return f"{self.name}{self.seperator}{self.args}"

class SimpleRepoG(RepoG):
    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        except ValueError:
            self.err(f"No repo named {self.args}", None)

class MultiNameG(RepoG):
    repos: Sequence[str] = ()
    repogs: list[RepoG]

    def validate(self):
        if self.args:
            raise ConfigError("No arguments are accepted")
        self.repogs = [self.container.get_repo(repo) for repo in self.repos]

    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        for repog in self.repogs:
            repog.load(base_maker, config, release)

    def from_names(
        cls, class_name: str, names: Sequence[str] | str
    ) -> type[MultiNameG]:
        dct = dict(
            __doc__=f"Load the following repos: {names}",
            repos=[names] if isinstance(names, str) else names,
        typ = type(f"{class_name.upper()}MultiNameG", (cls,), dct)
        return typ

class AliasRepoG(RepoG):
    fmt_str: str
    final: RepoG

    def from_str(cls, fmt_str: str, class_name: str) -> type[AliasRepoG]:
        dct = dict(
            __doc__=f"Load a repo from the {fmt_str!r} alias",
        typ = type(f"{class_name.upper()}AliasRepoG", (cls,), dct)
        return typ

    def from_str_mapping(cls, mapping: dict[str, str]) -> dict[str, type[AliasRepoG]]:
        return {name: cls.from_str(fmt_str, name) for name, fmt_str in mapping.items()}

    def validate(self) -> None:
        expanded = self.fmt_str.format(*self.args.split(";"))
        self.final = self.container.get_repo(expanded)

    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        self.final.load(base_maker, config, release)

class FileRepoG(RepoG):
    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        with _get_file(self.args) as path:

class CoprRepoG(RepoG):
    url: str

    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        self.url = release._copr_repo(self.args, config.copr_baseurl)
        with _get_file(self.url) as path:
            base_maker._read_repofile_new(path, True)

class BaseurlRepoG(RepoG):
    _ALLOWED_REPOID = re.compile(

    def load(
        self, base_maker: BaseMakerBase, config: RQConfig, release: Release
    ) -> None:
        url, _, key = self.args.partition(";")
        repoid = self._ALLOWED_REPOID.sub("_", url)
        repo_kwargs: dict[str, Any] = dict(baseurl=[url], gpgcheck=bool(key))
        if key:
            repo_kwargs["gpgkey"] = key
        base_maker.create_repo(repoid, **repo_kwargs)

class Repos(Mapping[str, type[RepoG]]):
    Immutable mapping like class of RepoG types.
    Converts repo aliases (strings) and list of repos in RepoG objects.
    Allows merging and adding other Repos objects.

    # Normally, get_repo() will only select RepoGs in the container if the key
    # starts with '@' to avoid conflicts with plain repoids.
    # However, get_repo() will return a RepoG that's a subclass of
    # _ALLOWED_PLAIN even if the key doesn't start with '@'.
    _ALLOWED_PLAIN: tuple[type[RepoG]] = (MultiNameG,)
    # This RepoG will be used when get_repo() is passed a key that doesn't
    # start with '@'.
    _DEFAULT: type[RepoG] = SimpleRepoG
    # Factory function to generate a RepoG from a plain string or list.
    _FALLBACK_FACTORY: Callable[
        [str, Sequence[str] | str], type[RepoG]
    ] = MultiNameG.from_names

    def __init__(
        repo_classes: Mapping[str, Sequence[str] | str | type[RepoG]],
    ) -> None:
        self.__data: dict[str, type[RepoG]] = {
            name: repos
            if isinstance(repos, type) and issubclass(repos, RepoG)
            else self._FALLBACK_FACTORY(name, repos)
            for name, repos in ItemsView(repo_classes)

    def get_repo(self, key: str) -> RepoG:
        if key.startswith("@"):
            name, seperator, args = key.partition(":")
                typ = self[name[1:]]
            except KeyError:
                raise ConfigError(f"{key} is not a valid repository class") from None
            return typ(name, seperator, args, self)
        # Repo groups are special cased to maintain backwards compatibility
        elif key in self.keys() and issubclass(self[key], self._ALLOWED_PLAIN):
            return self[key](key, "", "", self)
            return self._DEFAULT("", "", key, self)

    def __getitem__(self, key: str) -> type[RepoG]:
        return self.__data[key]

    def __len__(self) -> int:
        return len(self.__data)

    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[str]:
        return iter(self.__data)

    def __or__(self, other: Mapping[str, Sequence[str] | type[RepoG]]) -> Repos:
        return type(self)({**self, **other})

    def new(self, other: Mapping[str, Sequence[str] | type[RepoG]]) -> Repos:
        return self | other

    def items(self) -> ItemsView[str, type[RepoG]]:
        return self.__data.items()

    def keys(self) -> KeysView[str]:
        return self.__data.keys()

    def values(self) -> ValuesView[type[RepoG]]:
        return self.__data.values()

    def __repr__(self) -> str:
        return f"{type(self).__name__}({self.__data!r})"

DefaultRepoGs = Repos(
    dict(file=FileRepoG, copr=CoprRepoG, repo=SimpleRepoG, baseurl=BaseurlRepoG)