@@ 6944,6 6944,33 @@ open System.Security.Cryptography
Random.range 1 6 // happy secure random number!
+** Getting a list of SQLite tables and columns :database:
+:EXPORT_DATE: 2024-06-25
+:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: getting-a-list-of-sqlite-tables-and-columns
+:EXPORT_HUGO_SLUG: getting-a-list-of-sqlite-tables-and-columns
+I don't know why you would want this, but...
+I was thinking of writing an F# SQLite [[https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/tutorials/type-providers/][Type Provider]] and the start
+point would be to get the needed metadata to generate the types.
+Here's how you can get a list of tables, columns and its types:
+#+begin_src sql
+SELECT m.name AS tableName
+ ,c.name AS columnName
+ ,c.type AS columnType
+FROM sqlite_master m
+LEFT OUTER JOIN pragma_table_info((m.name)) c
+ ON m.name <> p.name
+ORDER BY tableName, columnName, columnType;
+Source: [[https://stackoverflow.com/a/50548508]]
* Footnotes
[fn:60] Which is the best kind of software, by the way.