
c33fe9dcd5e1aa749aa44978ec364ecc5651752e — Victor Freire 1 year, 4 months ago 42d9a5d
article: notes-on-my-keychron-keyboard
1 files changed, 30 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

M content-org/content.org
M content-org/content.org => content-org/content.org +30 -0
@@ 5493,6 5493,36 @@ defer func() {

** Notes on my Keychron Keyboard                                 :linux:
:EXPORT_DATE: 2023-07-19
:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: notes-on-my-keychron-keyboard
:EXPORT_HUGO_SLUG: notes-on-my-keychron-keyboard

This blog post mostly contains information that I usually forget about
my Keychron K2V2.

*** Battery Status

- Command Line :: ~upower --dump | grep keyboard -A 7~
- Backlight ::

  Press ~Fn+b~ to activate the battery status backlight.

  | Charge     | Status             |
  | 100% - 70% | Whole keyboard on  |
  | 69% - 30%  | First row off      |
  | 29% - 00%  | First two rows off |

*** Function Key

- Try holding ~Fn + X + L~ until the keyboard blinks
- Try running one of these until it works the way you expect to:
  - ~echo 0 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode~
  - ~echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode~

* Footnotes

[fn:48] [[https://www.polyml.org/][Poly/ML]] exposes a function that does just that: [[https://www.polyml.org/documentation/Reference/PolyMLStructure.html#print][PolyML.print]].