@@ 5085,8 5085,44 @@ once they are done, I paste them on the blog:
Maybe I'm just over-complicating things for myself with no real
benefit... maybe not. Let's see how it goes!
+** Making JetBrains Rider work with Nix and devenv :dotnet:nix:
+:EXPORT_DATE: 2023-06-22
+:EXPORT_FILE_NAME: making-jetbrains-rider-work-with-devenv
+:EXPORT_HUGO_SLUG: making-jetbrains-rider-work-with-devenv
+How to setup .NET's CLI and MSBuild on JetBrains Rider while using
+Nix with devenv.
+A few weeks (even months) ago I had a problem that made [[https://www.jetbrains.com/rider/][JetBrains
+Rider]] stop working properly on my environment. I figured out that
+the problem was due the way [[https://devenv.sh/][devenv]][fn:45] sets up the environment.
+Using the ~dotnet~ module on devenv is trivial, you just need to
+enable it:
+#+begin_src nix
+ languages.dotnet.enable = true;
+This will set the ~$DOTNET_ROOT~ environment variable with the root
+path of your chosen .NET SDK. In this case, you need to set the
+following options on Rider:
+- Toolset and Build -> .NET CLI executable path:
+ ~<$DOTNET_ROOT>/dotnet~
+- Toolset and Build -> MSBuild version:
+ ~<$DOTNET_ROOT>/sdk/<version>/MSBuild.dll~
* Footnotes
+[fn:45] Fun fact: I introduced the dotnet module on devenv!
[fn:44] Absolutely nothing related to procrastination!
[fn:43] Actually, there was a [[https://github.com/jacentino/SqlFun/issues/16][previous attempt]], but I failed