
e5f19e5f9cefe8ccd8d6b7fd00c647789fa07498 — Galen Abell 5 years ago 39536a2
Add alias for open command
1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M cmd/open.go
M cmd/open.go => cmd/open.go +3 -2
@@ 28,8 28,9 @@ import (
var indices []int

var openCmd = &cobra.Command{
	Use:   "open",
	Short: "Open bookmarks in a web browser",
	Use:     "open",
	Aliases: []string{"o"},
	Short:   "Open bookmarks in a web browser",
	Long: `Open bookmarks in a web browser. By default, this command will open
bookmarks in using xdg-open, unless the "browser" option is set in the config