
1bbdd819d7b2e4837f41f4d8b04965185bea8210 — Tim Culverhouse 2 years ago c0e1519
scrollable: fix delete and insert lines operations

Delete lines and insert lines in a scrollable region has the same effect
as scrolling up or down. Simplify the logic by calling these directly.
See [0] for a reference implementation.

[0]: https://github.com/james4k/terminal/blob/b4bcb6ee7c08ae4930eecdeb1ba90073c5f40d71/state.go#L682

Signed-off-by: Tim Culverhouse <tim@timculverhouse.com>
1 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)

M termutil/buffer.go
M termutil/buffer.go => termutil/buffer.go +6 -39
@@ 273,48 273,15 @@ func (buffer *Buffer) ViewHeight() uint16 {

func (buffer *Buffer) deleteLine() {
	index := int(buffer.RawLine())
	buffer.lines = buffer.lines[:index+copy(buffer.lines[index:], buffer.lines[index+1:])]
	// see
	// https://github.com/james4k/terminal/blob/b4bcb6ee7c08ae4930eecdeb1ba90073c5f40d71/state.go#L682

func (buffer *Buffer) insertLine() {
	if !buffer.InScrollableRegion() {
		pos := buffer.RawLine()
		maxLines := buffer.GetMaxLines()
		newLineCount := uint64(len(buffer.lines) + 1)
		if newLineCount > maxLines {
			newLineCount = maxLines

		out := make([]Line, newLineCount)
		out[pos] = newLine()
		copy(out[pos+1:], buffer.lines[pos:])
		buffer.lines = out
	} else {
		topIndex := buffer.convertViewLineToRawLine(uint16(buffer.topMargin))
		bottomIndex := buffer.convertViewLineToRawLine(uint16(buffer.bottomMargin))
		before := buffer.lines[:topIndex]
		after := buffer.lines[bottomIndex+1:]
		out := make([]Line, len(buffer.lines))
		copy(out[0:], before)

		pos := buffer.RawLine()
		for i := topIndex; i < bottomIndex; i++ {
			if i < pos {
				out[i] = buffer.lines[i]
			} else {
				out[i+1] = buffer.lines[i]

		copy(out[bottomIndex+1:], after)

		out[pos] = newLine()
		buffer.lines = out
	// see
	// https://github.com/james4k/terminal/blob/b4bcb6ee7c08ae4930eecdeb1ba90073c5f40d71/state.go#L682

func (buffer *Buffer) insertBlankCharacters(count int) {