
Software engineering & formal methods in computer science.

Functional programming and maths ethusiast.

Currently in ♥ with Haskell.

Current email (will change in the future): dtviedma@gmail.com


Projecte de vandalisme contructiu a la UB


Customized fork of InfiniTime


A Telegram bot to get details of Marlin firmware GCodes


Marlin configured for my 3D Printer Juanita


My Formal Methods in Computer Science Master thesis about verification of dynamic programming algorithms


A system for publicly controlling my christmas tree's decoration


A tool to upload files to your PineTime through the BLEFS API


Source code of the 3D things I make


My fork of InfiniSim to work with my customized InfiniTime


Data Science Master's thesis about the parallelized version of RIPPER


A Scala/Spark implementation of RIPPER algorithm.


Easy to use library for building Telegram bots in Haskell.

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