let's actually set the file permissions this time
fix moved val compile error
set ~/.clinte.json to 644
removed panic on error in favor of exit(1) and clean msg
explicit test if /etc/profile.d is a directory rather than for the
general existence of /etc/profile.d
switching from a full build to 'cargo check' in CI
accomplishes mostly the same thing for my purposes and reduces
the CI run time.
moved makefile install target to shellscript
Testing for OS before decided what group to assign to binary and
files. If Linux, both groups are 'root'. If OpenBSD, the groups
are 'bin' and 'wheel'. I don't have a FreeBSD or NetBSD system
handy right now to check those.
corrected post subject stated max length in man page
man page for clinte
Amended Makefile to install said man page.
Explicitly installing files -o root -g root.
allow per-user suppression of clinte notifications
If a user places a file at $HOME/.hushclinte, they will not be
notified of new posts on login.
Moved check logic to a function. Test if .hushclinte exists. If
it doesn't, run the announce function (check_clinte).
Also fixed a shellcheck error - unquoted variable expansion.
Changed string literals to single-quotes.
check if $EDITOR contains flags before calling
If it contains flags, split by whitespace and pass them in as arguments
to std::process::Command. Otherwise, just pass it in as normal. This was
causing a panic/abort.
added removal of notify script to uninstall target
testing for OS to improve portability of new post notification
updated repo location to sr.ht
added sr.ht info to readme
re: sending patches, and build status
added extra newline after new message notification
redirecting stderr to /dev/null
stops an error if a user has never used clinte