
🏴 Liberate files from your Google Drive
440100f2 — Peter Boling 2 years ago
📝 Remove Contributors section (invalid)
23c81696 — Peter Boling 2 years ago
🔖 Prepare release 1.1.1
1a3d876c — Peter Boling 2 years ago
🐛 Support renaming of HTML zip archives that have assets (e.g. /images/*)



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Toolkit for:

  1. Liberating variously formatted files from your Google Drive
  2. Applying a set of transformations to liberated files
    • patterned rename
    • unzip
    • correct HTML errors
  3. Profit

Want to link directly to the Google-Drive-hosted alternate format of a file? If yes, DO NOT use this gem. Instead follow these instructions.

OTOH, if you want to "own", host, track, etc your 'own' files (e.g. your resume), DO use this gem.

#NOTE: Export epub & Unzip html

There is a bug (missing feature) in google_drive gem preventing export of epub. You can use this patched branch:

Create a Gemfile:

source "https://rubygems.org"
git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "https://github.com/#{repo_name}" }
gem "google_drive", github: "pboling/google-drive-ruby", branch: "pboling-epub-mimetype"

Please upvote this PR #427!

Separately, the rubyzip maintainers are now working on v3, and this gem utilizes that syntax. But it hasn't been released yet. Therefore, if you need to unzip to HTML add another line to the Gemfile from above:

gem "rubyzip", github: "rubyzip/rubyzip", branch: "master"

When liberating your files, ensure the script will use the Gemfile if it isn't in the same directory where you are running the undrive_google command:

BUNDLE_GEMFILE=path/to/Gemfile bundle update
BUNDLE_GEMFILE=path/to/Gemfile bundle exec undrive_google -c path/to/config

NOTE: If the Gemfile and the config are in the same, current, directory, you can simply run:

bundle exec undrive_google

My complete Gemfile looks like this:

# frozen_string_literal: true

source "https://rubygems.org"

git_source(:github) { |repo_name| "https://github.com/#{repo_name}" }
git_source(:gitlab) { |repo_name| "https://gitlab.com/#{repo_name}" }

gem "undrive_google", "~> 1.1"

# See: https://github.com/gimite/google-drive-ruby/pull/427
gem "google_drive", github: "pboling/google-drive-ruby", branch: "pboling-epub-mimetype"

# See: https://github.com/rubyzip/rubyzip#updating-to-version-30
gem "rubyzip", github: "rubyzip/rubyzip", branch: "master"

My undrive_google.yml config file looks like this (sanitized a bit):

file_id: "the-key-to-my-google-drive-file(find-in-the-url)" 
key_file: serviceid-1234567890.json
dir: /my/path/to/my/cv
rename_html: resume.html
  - " "
  - "_"
extensions: zip
keep_zip: true
unzip: true
verbose: true
sweep: true

The liberated files get published at https://railsbling.com/cv.

#Story Time

Imagine Google Drive is a 🐭 Imagine your file (e.g. resume) is a 🍪 🐭's 🍪 exporter: 🖨

Tell me if you've heard this one already.

  1. Give 🐭 your 🍪 for "safe-keeping"
  2. Recognizing this SPoF, you ask 🐭 to give back a 🍪 copy
  3. "I'll run it through my 🍪 🖨", says 🐭
  4. 🖨 replicates various 🍪 extensions: pdf, odt, docx, txt, rtf, zip, and epub
  5. Rename 🍪 for web (e.g. replace with _)
  6. Extract replicated .zip format to .html
  7. Rename extracted HTML file for self-hosting
  8. Realize 🐭's HTML is invalid
  9. Fix 🐭's broke-ass (missing lang attribute and title element)
  10. Upload 🍪 to your website (you're on your own for this part)
  11. Finally Finished!
  12. Find mistakes 😭
  13. Bake a new 🍪
  14. GOTO 1

This gem solves the classic 🐭-🍪 problem by automating steps 3-9. Will save at least 15 minutes each loop.

Note that it doesn't have to be a resume. There are likely other use cases that apply.


Install the gem and add to the application's Gemfile by executing:

$ bundle add undrive_google

If bundler is not being used to manage dependencies, install the gem by executing:

$ gem install undrive_google


Revisiting the original story...

  1. Give 🐭 your 🍪 for "safe-keeping"
  2. Recognizing this SPoF, you ask 🐭 to give back a 🍪 copy
  3. Run:
  4. Upload 🍪 to your website (you're on your own for this part)
  5. Finally Finished!
  6. Find mistakes 😭
  7. Bake a new 🍪
  8. GOTO 1

In order for the fantasy above to be realized, you must to a bit of initial configuration, but you already knew that.


You'll probably want to follow these (outdated) steps to create a service account.

At the end of the process a [siteid]-[first-12-chars-of-key].json file will be downloaded to your computer. DO NOT EXPOSE THE KEY, i.e. do not push it to any public source repository.

When you run the undrive_google command this JSON key file should be in the current directory.

Additionally, an optional undrive_google.yml file in the current directory can give you control over the behavior.

What goes in the undrive_google.yml file?

#Default: Liberate All Formats

All non-commented values shown are default.

# [PATH] Path to the JSON file with Google Service Account Key
key_file: 'service_account_private_key.json'

# ID of file to liberate, as key or title
file_id: '<actual-key-or-title>'
file_by: 'key' # or 'title'

# [String, Array<String>] Which extensions to download?
extensions: 'all'

# [Boolean] The HTML format download comes as a .zip archive.
# Want the .zip unzipped? (only relevant if extensions is `all`, or includes `zip`)
unzip: true
# [Boolean] Keep the .zip after extracting the `.html`?
keep_zip: true

# Rename downloaded files?
# rename_<type>, where type is:
#   1. a downloadable format name, like `odt`, `docx`, `pdf`, etc
#   2. html (which isn't downloadable, has to be unzipped from .zip)
# e.g.
# rename_html: 'resume.html'

# Rename downloaded files following a pattern?
# Only applies to files not explicitly specified with rename-<type>
# Will never apply to the html file unzipped from the .zip
# Used as: file_name.gsub(rename_pattern[0], rename_pattern[1])
# By default, no renaming, must be specified
# rename_pattern:
#   - "_"
#   - " "

# [PATH]
dir: '' # defaults to current working directory

verbose: true # or false

# [String] Set inner text of missing title element, if unzipping `.zip` to `.html`.
title: '' # When empty, defaults to the title of the file.

# [String] Adds lang attribute to html tag, If unzipping `.zip` to `.html`,
#            value is like `fr`, `es`, etc.
lang: 'en'

#Example: Liberate Specific Formats (keeping other defaults)

In this example we choose to download only the odt, txt, and epub extensions, and leave the remaining settings as default, except for title.

# [String, Array<String>] Which extensions to download?
   - 'odt'
   - 'txt'
   - 'epub'

title: 'My Cool HTML'


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to rubygems.org.


Bug reports are welcome on Source Hut at https://todo.sr.ht/~galtzo/undrive_google. Patches are welcome on Source Hut at https://lists.sr.ht/~galtzo/undrive_google-devel This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

#Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the UndriveGoogle project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.