2 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 148 deletions(-)
D home/dot_config/helix/config.toml
D home/dot_config/helix/languages.toml
D home/dot_config/helix/config.toml => home/dot_config/helix/config.toml +0 -143
@@ 1,143 0,0 @@
-theme = "flatwhite"
-scroll-lines = 1
-cursorline = true
-auto-save = false
-completion-trigger-len = 1
-true-color = true
-color-modes = true
-auto-pairs = true
-idle-timeout = 50
-hidden = false
-insert = "bar"
-normal = "block"
-select = "underline"
-render = true
-character = "▏"
-display-messages = true
-display-inlay-hints = true
-left = ["mode", "spinner", "file-name", "file-type", "total-line-numbers", "file-encoding"]
-center = []
-right = ["selections", "primary-selection-length", "position", "position-percentage", "spacer", "diagnostics", "workspace-diagnostics", "version-control"]
-p = "move_char_left"
-P = "extend_char_left"
-r = "move_char_right"
-R = "extend_char_right"
-t = "move_line_down"
-T = "extend_line_down"
-s = "move_line_up"
-S = "extend_line_up"
-h = "replace"
-H = "replace_with_yanked"
-j = "find_till_char"
-J = "extend_till_char"
-k = "select_regex"
-K = "split_selection"
-l = "paste_after"
-L = "paste_before"
-F = "extend_prev_char"
-X = "extend_line_above"
-B = "extend_prev_word_start"
-W = "extend_next_word_start"
-# F/H are now extend versions of f/t; so remap them to alt
-A-f = "find_prev_char"
-A-j = "till_prev_char"
-A-F = "extend_prev_char"
-A-J = "extend_till_prev_char"
-space.g.f = "find_prev_char"
-space.g.j = "till_prev_char"
-space.g.F = "extend_prev_char"
-space.g.J = "extend_till_prev_char"
-g.p = "goto_line_start"
-g.s = "goto_file_start"
-g.t = "goto_file_end"
-g.r = "goto_line_end"
-g.i = "goto_first_nonwhitespace"
-g.h = "no_op"
-g.l = "no_op"
-g.D = "goto_reference"
-G.p = "extend_to_line_start"
-# This is not in 23.03
-# G.i = "extend_to_first_nonwhitespace"
-G.r = "extend_to_line_end"
-C-k = "split_selection_on_newline"
-# flip anchor and cursor
-space.space = "flip_selections"
-z.t = "scroll_down"
-z.s = "scroll_up"
-Z.t = "scroll_down"
-Z.s = "scroll_up"
-space.c = "toggle_comments"
-space.w.p = "jump_view_left"
-space.w.r = "jump_view_right"
-space.w.t = "jump_view_down"
-space.w.s = "jump_view_up"
-space.w.o = "hsplit"
-"é".d = "goto_next_diag"
-"è".d = "goto_prev_diag"
-"é".D = "goto_last_diag"
-"è".D = "goto_first_diag"
-"é".f = "goto_next_function"
-"è".f = "goto_prev_function"
-"é".t = "goto_next_class"
-"è".t = "goto_prev_class"
-"é".a = "goto_next_parameter"
-"è".a = "goto_prev_parameter"
-"é".c = "goto_next_comment"
-"è".c = "goto_prev_comment"
-"é".T = "goto_next_test"
-"è".T = "goto_prev_test"
-"é".p = "goto_next_paragraph"
-"è".p = "goto_prev_paragraph"
-"é".g = "goto_next_change"
-"è".g = "goto_prev_change"
-"é".G = "goto_last_change"
-"è".G = "goto_first_change"
-"é".space = "add_newline_below"
-"è".space = "add_newline_above"
-space.f.s = ":write"
-p = "extend_char_left"
-r = "extend_char_right"
-t = "extend_line_down"
-s = "extend_line_up"
-g.p = "goto_line_start"
-g.r = "goto_line_end"
-g.h = "no_op"
-g.l = "no_op"
-h = "replace"
-H = "replace_with_yanked"
-l = "paste_after"
-k = "split_selection"
-"à" = "find_till_char"
-S = "select_regex"
-z = "split_selection"
-X = "extend_line_above"
-T = "join_selections"
-" " = ["collapse_selection", ":insert-output printf ' '", "move_char_right"]
D home/dot_config/helix/languages.toml => home/dot_config/helix/languages.toml +0 -5
@@ 1,5 0,0 @@
-name = "rust"
-indent = { tab-width = 2, unit = " "}
-config.cargo.features = "all"
-config.rust-analyzer.check.command = "clippy"