@@ 0,0 1,123 @@
+title: "Alpine set up for daily driver"
+date: 2022-12-10
+tags: ['alpine', 'linux']
+# Installation Process
+## Disable secure boot
+First, always check for secure book. If it is enabled you won't be able to boot
+your thumbdrive.
+## setup-alpine
+On the official wiki[^1] there a more complete guide on how to setup, and will
+probably be more accurate than this one, so always refer to that wiki first.
+This is more a log of how I setup.
+Once you boot your live installation run `setup-alpine` and follow the steps:
+* _Select keyboard layout_: **us**
+* _Select keyboard variant_: **us**
+* _Enter system hostname_: **gridx.local** [This is my choice, if you don't know
+ what exactly is this go for the default **localhost**]
+* _Which one do you want to initialize?_: **wlan0** [I chose wlan0, since it is
+ a laptop I don't have it connected to cable]
+* _Type the wireless network name to connect to_: **\<NAME\>**
+* _Type network key_: ******
+* _Ip address for wlan0_? **dhcp** [and for the following device I have chose
+ none since I won't use them anyways]
+* _Do you want to do any manual network configuration_? **n**
+* _Changing password for root_: ******
+* _Which timezone are you in?_ **Europe/Berlin**
+* _HTTP/FTP proxy URL?_ **none**
+* _Which NTP client to run?_ chrony
+* _Enter mirro number?_ **f** [I pick this one to speed up things a bit, default
+ one is fine as well]
+* _Set an user?_ **\<NAME\>** [Since we aiming to be a desktop create your user here]
+* _Full name for user \<NAME\>:_ **\<FULLNAME\>**
+* _Type password_: ******
+* _Enter ssh key or URL for \<NAME\>?_ **none** [this is a public key so you can
+ ssh into this machine]
+* _Which ssh server?_ **openssh**
+* _Which disks would like to use?_ **\<DISK\>** [now you are going to set up the
+ disk for installation]
+* _How would you like to use it?_ **crypt** [I like to use encrypted disks, I
+ strongly advice for it, but in case you don't want, go for sys directly]
+* _How would you like to use it?_ **lvm**
+* _How would you like to use it?_ **sys** [more info[^2]]
+* _WARNING: Erase the above disks and continue?_ **y**
+* Enter passphrase for \<DISK\>: ******
+Once you have finish the step run `reboot`.
+## Desktop environment
+Now comes the "hard" part, where we need to configure the desktop. For me, I'm
+going for i3wm with lightdm.
+To be able to install all the necessary packages we will need to enable the
+community repository[^3]. To edit it I use vim
+apk add vim
+# then
+vim /etc/apk/repositories
+and uncomment the `.../community`
+Then run `apk update` and you will see the both repositories printed out.
+Now we will install the necessary drivers for `xorg` to run properly. Firs
+search for all video drivers `apk search xf86-video*` and install whatever you
+have for you computer (in my case `apk add apk add xf86-video-amdgpu`)
+* `apk add mesa-dri-gallium mesa-va-gallium mesa-egl`
+* `setup-xorg-base`
+* `apk add lightdm-gtk-greeter`
+* `setup-devd udev`
+* `rc-update add dbus`
+* `rc-update add lightdm`
+* `apk add terminus-font`
+* `dbus-uuidgen > /var/lib/dbus/machine-id`
+* `rc-update add dbus`
+* `apk add i3wm i3status xterm i3lock`
+* `add user <NAME> input`
+* `add user <NAME> video`
+* `reboot`
+[^1]: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Installation#Questions_asked_by_setup-alpine
+[^2]: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Installation#The_general_course_of_action
+[^3]: https://wiki.alpinelinux.org/wiki/Repositories#Enabling_the_community_repository