
dec4712dc4aa64de244a31a3acc5c09f2e9202bf — Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir 2 years ago
10 files changed, 323 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

A .gitignore
A Setup.hs
A source/Main.hs
A source/Uxn/Op.hs
A source/Uxn/Stmt.hs
A stack.yaml
A stack.yaml.lock
A zabava.cabal
A  => .gitignore +1 -0
@@ 1,1 @@

A  => LICENCE +30 -0
@@ 1,30 @@
Copyright Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir © 2021

All rights reserved.

Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:

    * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
      notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.

    * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
      copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
      disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
      with the distribution.

    * Neither the name of Author name here nor the names of other
      contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
      from this software without specific prior written permission.

This software is provided by the copyright holders and contributors
“as is” and any express or implied warranties, including, but not
limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for
a particular purpose are disclaimed. in no event shall the copyright
owner or contributors be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental,
special, exemplary, or consequential damages (including, but not
limited to, procurement of substitute goods or services; loss of use,
data, or profits; or business interruption) however caused and on any
theory of liability, whether in contract, strict liability, or tort
(including negligence or otherwise) arising in any way out of the use
of this software, even if advised of the possibility of such damage.

A  => README.md +3 -0
@@ 1,3 @@
# zabava

Varvara/Uxn in Haskell. Experimental stuff, WIP, not much to look at.

A  => Setup.hs +2 -0
@@ 1,2 @@
import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain

A  => source/Main.hs +6 -0
@@ 1,6 @@
import Uxn.Op
import Uxn.Stmt

main ∷ IO ()
main = do
  putStrLn "ᚣ"

A  => source/Uxn/Op.hs +118 -0
@@ 1,118 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Uxn.Op
( Op(..)
, OpCode(..)
, OpMeta(..)
, findOp
, op
, opToWord
, wordToOp
) where

import Data.Bits ((.&.), (.|.))
import Data.Function ((&))
import Data.List (find)
import Data.Maybe (Maybe, fromJust)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Prelude.Unicode

data Op = Op { opCode  ∷ OpCode
             , opShort ∷ Bool
             , opRet   ∷ Bool
             , opKeep  ∷ Bool
          deriving (Eq)

data OpCode =
    Ibrk |                                                  -- stop
    Ilit | Iinc | Ipop | Idup | Inip | Iswp | Iovr | Irot | -- stack
    Iequ | Ineq | Igth | Ilth | Ijmp | Ijcn | Ijsr | Isth | -- logic
    Ildz | Istz | Ildr | Istr | Ilda | Ista | Idei | Ideo | -- memory
    Iadd | Isub | Imul | Idiv | Iand | Iora | Ieor | Isft   -- arithmetic/bitops
    deriving (Eq)

data OpMeta = OpMeta { mCode ∷ OpCode
                     , mStr  ∷ String
                     , mWord ∷ Word8
                     , mDoc  ∷ String
                     deriving (Show)

instance Show Op where
    show o =
        (show $ opCode o) ++
        (if opShort o then "2" else "") ++
        (if opRet   o then "r" else "") ++
        (if opKeep  o then "k" else "")

instance Enum OpCode where
    toEnum x
        | (x .&. 0x1f) ≡ 0 = if x ≡ 0 then Ibrk else Ilit
        | otherwise        = mCode $ fromJust $ findOp mWord (fromIntegral x .&. 0x1f)
    fromEnum x = fromIntegral $ mWord $ fromJust $ findOp mCode x

instance Show OpCode where
    show x = mStr $ fromJust $ findOp mCode x

findOp ∷ Eq a ⇒ (OpMeta → a) → a → Maybe OpMeta
findOp f v = find (\o → f o ≡ v) opcodes

op = Op { opCode  = Ibrk
        , opShort = False
        , opRet   = False
        , opKeep  = False

opToWord ∷ Op → Word8
opToWord o =
    fromIntegral (fromEnum $ opCode o)           .|.
                 (if opShort o then modeShort else 0) .|.
                 (if opRet   o then modeRet   else 0) .|.
                 (if opKeep  o then modeKeep  else 0)

wordToOp ∷ Word8 → Op
wordToOp w = Op { opCode  = toEnum $ fromIntegral (w .&. modeUnmask)
                , opShort = w .&. modeShort ≠ 0
                , opRet   = w .&. modeRet   ≠ 0
                , opKeep  = w .&. modeKeep  ≠ 0

opcodes = [ (Ibrk, "BRK", 0x00,     "Halts the program. Further instructions will not be run")
          , (Ilit, "LIT", modeKeep, "Pushes the next value seen in the program onto the stack")
          , (Iinc, "INC", 0x01,     "Adds 1 to the value at the top of the stack")
          , (Ipop, "POP", 0x02,     "Removes the value at the top of the stack")
          , (Idup, "DUP", 0x03,     "Duplicates the value at the top of the stack")
          , (Inip, "NIP", 0x04,     "Removes the second value from the stack")
          , (Iswp, "SWP", 0x05,     "Exchanges the first and second values at the top of the stack")
          , (Iovr, "OVR", 0x06,     "Duplicates the second value at the top of the stack")
          , (Irot, "ROT", 0x07,     "Rotates three values at the top of the stack, to the left, wrapping around")
          , (Iequ, "EQU", 0x08,     "Pushes 01 to the stack if the two values at the top of the stack are equal, 00 otherwise")
          , (Ineq, "NEQ", 0x09,     "Pushes 01 to the stack if the two values at the top of the stack are not equal, 00 otherwise")
          , (Igth, "GTH", 0x0a,     "Pushes 01 to the stack if the second value at the top of the stack is greater than the value at the top of the stack, 00 otherwise")
          , (Ilth, "LTH", 0x0b,     "Pushes 01 to the stack if the second value at the top of the stack is lesser than the value at the top of the stack, 00 otherwise")
          , (Ijmp, "JMP", 0x0c,     "Moves the program counter by a signed value equal to the byte on the top of the stack, or an absolute address in short mode")
          , (Ijcn, "JCN", 0x0d,     "If the byte preceeding the address is not 00, moves the program counter by a signed value equal to the byte on the top of the stack, or an absolute address in short mode")
          , (Ijsr, "JSR", 0x0e,     "Pushes the value of the program counter to the return-stack and moves the program counter by a signed value equal to the byte on the top of the stack, or an absolute address in short mode")
          , (Isth, "STH", 0x0f,     "Moves the value at the top of the stack, to the return stack")
          , (Ildz, "LDZ", 0x10,     "Pushes the value at an address within the first 256 bytes of memory, to the top of the stack")
          , (Istz, "STZ", 0x11,     "Writes a value to an address within the first 256 bytes of memory")
          , (Ildr, "LDR", 0x12,     "Pushes the value at a relative address, to the top of the stack. The possible relative range is -128 to +127 bytes")
          , (Istr, "STR", 0x13,     "Writes a value to a relative address. The possible relative range is -128 to +127 bytes")
          , (Ilda, "LDA", 0x14,     "Pushes the value at a absolute address, to the top of the stack")
          , (Ista, "STA", 0x15,     "Writes a value to a absolute address")
          , (Idei, "DEI", 0x16,     "FIXME")
          , (Ideo, "DEO", 0x17,     "FIXME")
          , (Iadd, "ADD", 0x18,     "Pushes the sum of the two values at the top of the stack")
          , (Isub, "SUB", 0x19,     "Pushes the difference of the first value minus the second, to the top of the stack")
          , (Imul, "MUL", 0x1a,     "Pushes the product of the first and second values at the top of the stack")
          , (Idiv, "DIV", 0x1b,     "Pushes the quotient of the first value over the second, to the top of the stack")
          , (Iand, "AND", 0x1c,     "Pushes the result of the bitwise operation AND, to the top of the stack")
          , (Iora, "ORA", 0x1d,     "Pushes the result of the bitwise operation OR, to the top of the stack")
          , (Ieor, "EOR", 0x1e,     "Pushes the result of the bitwise operation XOR, to the top of the stack")
          , (Isft, "SFT", 0x1f,     "Moves the bits of the value at the top of the stack to the left or right, depending on the control value of the second. The high nibble of the control value determines how many bits left to shift, and the low nibble how many bits right to shift. The rightward shift is done first")
          ] & map (\(c, s, w, d) → OpMeta { mCode = c, mStr = s, mWord = w, mDoc = d })

modeUnmask = 0x1f ∷ Word8
modeShort  = 0x20 ∷ Word8
modeRet    = 0x40 ∷ Word8
modeKeep   = 0x80 ∷ Word8

A  => source/Uxn/Stmt.hs +123 -0
@@ 1,123 @@
{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
module Uxn.Stmt
( Stmt
, opToStmt
) where

import Uxn.Op
import Prelude.Unicode

data V = A | B | C
         deriving (Eq, Show)
data S = Ws | Rs
         deriving (Eq, Show)
data W = W8 | W16
         deriving (Eq, Show)

data A = Add | Sub | Mul | Div | -- arithmetic
         Eq  | Ne  | Lt  | Gt  | -- comparison
         Or  | And | Eor | Shift -- bit ops
         deriving (Eq, Show)

data Ref = Memory W Expr
         | Device W Expr
         deriving (Eq, Show)

data Expr = Signed Expr
          | Pop W S
          | Peep W S
          | Pull W
          | Ar A Expr Expr -- right expr evaluated first
          | Succ Expr
          | Ref Ref
          | Var V
          | PC
          deriving (Eq, Show)

data Stmt = Push W S [Expr]
          | Set [(V, Expr)]
          | Warp W Expr
          | Poke W Ref Expr
          | DoIf Expr Stmt
          | Drop Expr
          | Break
          deriving (Eq, Show)

opToStmt ∷ Op → [Stmt]
opToStmt o =
    case opCode o of
        Ibrk → [break]
        Ilit → [push [pull]]
        Iinc → [push [succ pop]]
        Ipop → [drop pop]
        Idup → [set [(a, pop)], push [a, a]]
        Inip → [set [(a, pop)], drop pop, push [a]]
        Iswp → [set [(a, pop), (b, pop)], push [a, b]]
        Iovr → [set [(a, pop), (b, pop)], push [b, a, b]]
        Irot → [set [(a, pop), (b, pop), (c, pop)], push [b, a, c]]
        Iequ → [push8 [pop ≡ pop]]
        Ineq → [push8 [pop ≠ pop]]
        Igth → [push8 [pop > pop]]
        Ilth → [push8 [pop < pop]]
        Ijmp → [warp pop]
        Ijcn → [set [(a, pop), (b, pop8)], b ? warp a]
        Ijsr → [set [(a, pop)], pushd16 [pc], warp a]
        Isth → [pushd [pop]]
        Ildz → [push [mem pop8]]
        Istz → [poke (mem pop8) pop]
        Ildr → [push [mem $ pc + s8 pop8]]
        Istr → [poke (mem $ pc + s8 pop8) pop]
        Ilda → [push [mem pop16]]
        Ista → [poke (mem pop16) pop]
        Idei → [push [dev pop8]]
        Ideo → [poke (dev pop8) pop]
        Iadd → [push [pop + pop]]
        Isub → [push [pop - pop]]
        Imul → [push [pop × pop]]
        Idiv → [push [pop ÷ pop]]
        Iand → [push [pop ∧ pop]]
        Iora → [push [pop ∨ pop]]
        Ieor → [push [pop ⊕ pop]]
        Isft → [push [pop ⇔ pop8]]
        pop = _pop w src
        pop8 = _pop W8 src
        pop16 = _pop W16 src
        push8 = Push W8 src
        pushd16 = Push W16 dst
        pull = Pull w
        push = Push w src
        succ = Succ
        drop = Drop
        pushd = Push w dst
        warp = Warp w
        break = Break
        (∧) = Ar And
        (∨) = Ar Or
        (⊕) = Ar Eor
        (⇔) = Ar Shift
        (>) = Ar Gt
        (<) = Ar Lt
        (≡) = Ar Eq
        (≠) = Ar Ne
        (+) = Ar Add
        (-) = Ar Sub
        (×) = Ar Mul
        (÷) = Ar Div
        (?) = DoIf
        s8 = Signed
        a = Var A
        b = Var B
        c = Var C
        pc = PC
        poke (Ref r) = Poke w r
        dev = Ref . Device w
        mem = Ref . Memory w
        src = if ret then Rs else Ws
        dst = if ret then Ws else Rs
        w = if short then W16 else W8
        short = opShort o
        keep = opKeep o
        ret = opRet o
        _pop = if keep then Peep else Pop
        set l = Set (map (\(Var v, e) → (v, e)) l)

A  => stack.yaml +3 -0
@@ 1,3 @@
- .
resolver: lts-11.22

A  => stack.yaml.lock +12 -0
@@ 1,12 @@
# This file was autogenerated by Stack.
# You should not edit this file by hand.
# For more information, please see the documentation at:
#   https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/lock_files

- original: lts-11.22
    sha256: 341870ac98d8a9f8f77c4adf2e9e0b22063e264a7fbeb4c85b7af5f380dac60e
    url: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stackage-snapshots/master/lts/11/22.yaml
    size: 527836
packages: []

A  => zabava.cabal +25 -0
@@ 1,25 @@
name:                zabava
-- synopsis:
-- description:
homepage:            https://github.com/githubuser/zabava#readme
license:             BSD3
license-file:        LICENCE
author:              Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir
maintainer:          ftrvxmtrx@gmail.com
copyright:           2021 Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir
category:            Game
build-type:          Simple
extra-source-files:  README.md
cabal-version:       >=1.10

executable zabava
  hs-source-dirs:      source
  default-language:    Haskell2010
  default-extensions:  UnicodeSyntax
                     , OverloadedStrings
  main-is:             Main.hs
  other-modules:       Uxn.Op
                     , Uxn.Stmt
  build-depends:       base
                     , base-unicode-symbols