
625c3cfedd2db4f7cf1bf6cc3181b05f6373bcf6 — Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir 2 years ago 1c92512 main
add doc DEI and DEO meta
1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)

M source/Uxn/Op.hs
M source/Uxn/Op.hs => source/Uxn/Op.hs +2 -2
@@ 99,8 99,8 @@ opcodes = [ (Ibrk, "BRK", 0x00,     "Halts the program. Further instructions wil
          , (Istr, "STR", 0x13,     "Writes a value to a relative address. The possible relative range is -128 to +127 bytes")
          , (Ilda, "LDA", 0x14,     "Pushes the value at a absolute address, to the top of the stack")
          , (Ista, "STA", 0x15,     "Writes a value to a absolute address")
          , (Idei, "DEI", 0x16,     "FIXME")
          , (Ideo, "DEO", 0x17,     "FIXME")
          , (Idei, "DEI", 0x16,     "Pushes a value from the device page, to the top of the stack. The target device might capture the reading to trigger an I/O event")
          , (Ideo, "DEO", 0x17,     "Writes a value to the device page. The target device might capture the writing to trigger an I/O event")
          , (Iadd, "ADD", 0x18,     "Pushes the sum of the two values at the top of the stack")
          , (Isub, "SUB", 0x19,     "Pushes the difference of the first value minus the second, to the top of the stack")
          , (Imul, "MUL", 0x1a,     "Pushes the product of the first and second values at the top of the stack")