@@ 19,15 19,15 @@ For example, you might want
* to enable WebGL
* to disable titlebar paint for dark GTK themes
-This hook package will allow you to set your custom defaults are blocked
-by checking `librewolf.cfg` and `policies.json` post install.
+This hook package will allow you to unblock defaults that are blocked
+by `librewolf.cfg` and `policies.json` post install.
If there is a entry blocking you in any way,
this package will allow you to undo the hardoced values.
** But keep in mind **
It's not for setting up your values.
-You should do create a new files with your custom prefs your self.
+You should do create a new files with your custom prefs yourself.
Put your created files here
@@ 42,20 42,20 @@ Any values blocked by `librewolf.cfg` and `policies.json` can be *unblocked*
by commenting out the said value.
Many setting from `librewolf.cfg` and `policies.json` cannot bet set via `*.js`
-file at $HOME or at `/usr/lib/librewolf`
+file at `$HOME/.librewolf` or at `/usr/lib/librewolf`
Basically this package will put 2 pacman hooks into the ALPM directories.
-The first hook `/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/librewolf-apply-cfg-mod.hook`
+The first hook `/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/librewolf-cfg-comment-out.hook`
will be applied post install of this package and post upgrade of Librewolf itself.
-The second hook `/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/librewolf-undo-cfg-mod.hook` will
+The second hook `/usr/share/libalpm/hooks/librewolf-cfg-uncomment-out.hook` will
undo every modification from first hook prior the Librewolf update.
It's there to basically return the `librewolf.cfg` and `policies.json`
back to stock to prevent any `*.pacnew` files from being created by deault.
-Note - currently there is no backup() in the PKGBUILD of librewolf so undo-hook
+Note - currently there is no backup() in the PKGBUILD of librewolf so uncomment-hook
is redundant, however that might change in future.
## Caveats and what to take pay more attention