- Customizable privacy policy URL and source code URL.
- Add API route (/api).
- Add JSON resource for stats (/api/stats).
Francesco Camuffo (4):
README.md: install cvcv utility
cvcv.sh: usage: explain RANDID
Config: include info URLs
Francesco Camuffo (1):
Home: show total pastes and walls count
- Search pastes.
- Show some interesting stats.
- Shell utility. cvcv.
Francesco Camuffo (8):
view_wall.html: show pastes count
view.html: paste stats
paste.controller.go: 400 on bad RandID length
Add shell utility: cvcv
cvcv.sh: add -P option
cvcv.sh: add -l option
cvcv.sh: support fetching pastes
Search: add bar and search.html
Francesco Camuffo (5):
Template: textarea: font-monospace
paste.controller.go: handle .txt extention
Lower the min RandId length to 4
Use goview for template rendering
Francesco Camuffo (5):
Limit pastes preview to 500 chars in index.html
Show only first 8 chars of RandIDs
Templates: format dates as RFC3339
Francesco Camuffo (3):
Allow to specify RandId length
Put a beta label in the navbar
Introduce walls)))
Francesco Camuffo (3):
Move buttons out the navbar to index
card: reduce header padding
paste.controller.go: redir to /p/v/ after create
- It's possible to view a paste by RandId
- Get the raw paste using the query string param "raw=y"
Display paste content inside a <pre> tag
- Store client IP address on pastes
- Updated privacy policy URL