M content/blog/ecoo-2021.md => content/blog/ecoo-2021.md +2 -2
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ date: 2021-05-05
draft: false
-On May 1st, 2021, the 36th annual Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) Programming Contest was held. This contest has been the culmination of over a month of work by Theodore Preduta, [Larry Yuan](https://larry.science/), [Keenan Gugeler](https://dmoj.ca/user/Riolku), Christopher Trevisan, and myself, alongside Valentina Krasteva and David Stermole and the support of [ECOO](https://ecoo.org/) and [ECOO-CS](http://ecoocs.org/). This is my second year involved in the hosting of this event so I figured I would write about the setup and all that went right and wrong.
+On May 1st, 2021, the 36th annual Educational Computing Organization of Ontario (ECOO) Programming Contest was held. This contest has been the culmination of over a month of work by {{< u "Theodore Preduta" "" "https://www.pta.gg/" >}}, {{< u "Larry Yuan" "" "https://larry.science/" >}}, {{< u "Keenan Gugeler" "" "kgugeler.ca" >}}, {{< u "Christopher Trevisan" >}}, and myself, alongside {{< u "Valentina Krasteva" >}} and {{< u "David Stermole" >}} and the support of [ECOO](https://ecoo.org/) and [ECOO-CS](http://ecoocs.org/). This is my second year involved in the hosting of this event so I figured I would write about the setup and all that went right and wrong.
## Background
@@ 12,7 12,7 @@ This programming contest was run on a platform called [DMOJ](https://dmoj.ca/),
<img src="background.svg">
-This year's contest contained [six (6) problems](https://dmoj.ca/problems/?search=ECOO21) ranging in difficulty from complete beginner to the highest level of competitive programming. A big thanks goes to Keenan and Chris for creating these problems and [Andrew Qi Tang](https://andrewqt.github.io/) for testing them before the competition.
+This year's contest contained [six (6) problems](https://dmoj.ca/problems/?search=ECOO21) ranging in difficulty from complete beginner to the highest level of competitive programming. A big thanks goes to {{< u Keenan >}} and {{< u Chris >}} for creating these problems and {{< u "Andrew Qi Tang" "" "https://andrewqt.github.io/" >}}) for testing them before the competition.
## Network
M content/blog/faust-ctf-2020-marsu.md => content/blog/faust-ctf-2020-marsu.md +1 -1
@@ 4,7 4,7 @@ date: 2020-07-26
draft: false
-[*FAUST CTF 2020: Exploring Planet Mars*](https://2020.faustctf.net/) was my very first experience at an attack & defense CTF and I really enjoyed it. This writeup is coming out quite late, but I wanted to write about one of the problems I helped in solving, alongside [Evan Zhang](https://evanzhang.ca), and the rest of [my team](https://ctftime.org/team/127228).
+[*FAUST CTF 2020: Exploring Planet Mars*](https://2020.faustctf.net/) was my very first experience at an attack & defense CTF and I really enjoyed it. This writeup is coming out quite late, but I wanted to write about one of the problems I helped in solving, alongside {{< u "Ninjaclasher" "Evan Zhang" "https://evanzhang.ca" >}}, and the rest of [my team](https://ctftime.org/team/127228).
## Description
`marsu` was a service that consisted of a [Django](https://www.djangoproject.com/) web server which allowed users to create accounts, projects, and "pads" within these projects -- sort of like smaller notes within a larger notepad. When viewing a project, all the pads and their content were shown. These pads contained the flag which the gameserver added and could only be viewed through a project.
M content/blog/sway-rng.md => content/blog/sway-rng.md +1 -1
@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ While getting a Sway debug log was quite trivial,[^0] it didn't yield much.[^1]
|`Alt+SysRq+u`|Unmount|Unmount and remount all filesystems read-only.|
-— *Everything beyond here was aided by the generous help of [Xyene](https://tbrindus.ca). Thank you, if you ever read this.*
+— *Everything beyond here was aided by the generous help of {{< u Xyene "Tudor Brindus" "https://tbrindus.ca" >}}. Thank you, if you ever read this.*
So, to get a core dump of the sway process, I used the unraw shortcut followed by switching to a tty and getting a core dump:[^3]
[^3]: This also required a build of Sway which didn't strip symbols. This was done by using the [`sway-git`](https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/sway-git/) package off the [AUR](https://aur.archlinux.org/). Core dump available [here](https://gist.githubusercontent.com/fluix-dev/9e752c4e03e90bc497679451d4be9663/raw/92df635a4b934c6237fe892877d0b47a39b0d6ed/sway.core).
A layouts/shortcodes/u.html => layouts/shortcodes/u.html +2 -0
@@ 0,0 1,2 @@
+{{ if .Get 2 }}<a href="{{ .Get 2 }}" class="userlink">{{ end }}<span class="user"{{ if .Get 1 }}title="{{ .Get 1 }}"{{ end }}>{{ .Get 0 }}</span>{{ if .Get 2 }}</a>{{ end }}
+{{- /* Strip trailing newline. */ -}}