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POSIX shell function to output keybindings for the kitty terminal emulator
Use awk(1) instead of column(1).
Use `-F` option in call to grep, for literal matching.
Fix test for whether to print footer.


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A POSIX function to print the current keybindings for the kitty terminal emulator.

To use it, source this repository's file, e.g. as part of your shell's startup procedure. This will make the kitty_keys function available.

When called without arguments, or with any unknown arguments, kitty_keys will print the default keybindings, followed by any custom keybindings specified in the user's kitty configuration file.

With a single argument of one of copypaste, debugging, layouts, miscellaneous, scrolling, tabs, windows, print the default keybindings for that category. With a single argument of custom, print only the user's custom keybindings.

Completion can be added in zsh via:

function _kitty_keys {
    compadd 'copypaste' 'debugging' 'layouts' 'miscellaneous' 'scrolling' 'tabs' 'windows' 'custom'
compdef _kitty_keys kitty_keys

Limited configuration over the output format is available via the KITTY_KEYS_LEADING, KITTY_KEYS_TRAILING, KITTY_KEYS_MAX_WIDTH and KITTY_KEYS_CONF environment variables. Details in comments in the source.

This function has been lightly tested in the zsh, bash and dash shells. Any non-POSIX shell behaviour is a bug.

#Design notes

  • POSIX shell doesn't provide associative arrays ('dictionaries', 'hashes', etc.), which would allow for a more concise script via the use of keybinding categories as keys in a loop.

  • echo is notoriously inconsistent across platforms and shells, so printf(1) is used instead in an attempt to reduce issues. Calling it via env ensures we get the command/utility, rather than the builtin. The print1 function provides a convenience wrapper.

  • Setting IFS to '' is used to try to make field splitting behaviour more uniform across shells.

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