
Maintenance Scripts for VPN
delete vpn.example.org folder
improve README, clarify some stuff


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

Summary: Collection of scripts to maintain your VPN servers

Description: This is a collection of scripts for maintaining your VPN servers. These SHOULD be used for handling day to day operation, like applying changes and installing updates.

License: AGPL-3.0-or-later


This is a collection of scripts for maintaining your VPN servers. These SHOULD be used for handling day to day operation, like applying changes and installing updates. Feel free to take the content of these scripts and use them in something like Ansible.

NOTE: only use these scripts during maintenance windows as they will in most cases restart the OpenVPN and WireGuard processes!



Copy server.list.example to server.list and set it up to point to your controller(s) and node(s).


Run bin/vpn-maint-update-system-multi. You can use the optional --reboot flag to reboot all systems at the right moment.

#Applying Changes

Run bin/vpn-maint-apply-changes-multi.


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