@@ 61,7 61,8 @@ $ sudo /usr/libexec/vpn-user-portal/generate-secrets --hmac
If you were using the `adminUserIdList` option in
`/etc/vpn-user-portal/config.php` to list your admins, you MUST update them to
list the new "User IDs". Have your admins look on their "Account" page in the
-portal so you can add them.
+portal so you can add them. For more information on admin accounts you can
+look [here](https://github.com/eduvpn/documentation/blob/v3/PORTAL_ADMIN.md).
# Public Key
@@ 69,9 70,9 @@ We need to register your OAuth public key in our "discovery" file
to allow all participating servers to fetch it and allow users from
your VPN service.
-You can find this Public Key by going to the "Info" tab in your VPN
-portal. Expand the "Server" section by clicking "More" and look for
-"Public Key" under "OAuth". It has the following form:
+You can find this Public Key by going to the "Info" tab, with an admin
+account, in your VPN portal. Expand the "Server" section by clicking "More" and
+look for "Public Key" under "OAuth". It has the following form: