
This word only appears in one twenty øne piløts song — a web game
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#one tøp song — A web game

You can play it here: one tøp song


1024. That's how many words there are that appear in only one twenty øne piløts song, give or take (see next section for more details).

In this game you will be shown words from the list, and asked to guess which song each one is from. (Feel free not to answer 🙂)

For more information, please read game footer

#What's in this repo?

Diagram of scripts, inputs, and outputs

make automates all of the arrows in this diagram. Every time you update a lyrics file, txt file or source code, run make to regenerate datasets and static site.

#Data Crunching™

This repo does not host the lyrics. Instead, you'll download and curate the lyric library yourself. Name each file lyrics/Album Title/Track Title.txt.

What this repo does offer is a semi-automatic pipeline for Data Crunching™. allwords.py takes the lyrics, breaks them into words, and for every word that has ever appeared in any song in any form, it stores all its occurrences in allwords.json. This file contains 2k+ entries.

onesong.py takes allwords.json and does rest of the work. You supply it with three files:

  • false_inflections.txt, which prevents the algorithm from confusing "even" with "evening"
  • irregular_verbs.txt, from Wiktionary: Appendix: English irregular verbs
  • denylist.txt, which serves as a final filter. Each line is a regex, and a word that matches any of them is excluded from onesong.json.

and it generates onesong.json, which is the dataset we need for the site generator.

onesong.py also prints a list of inflections it detected and thus excluded. If you find a false positive, just add them to denylist.txt.

#Static site generator

mkjs.py converts onesong.json into a JavaScript file, which is just a giant array variable that index.js accesses.

mkhtml.py uses Jinja to render words.jinja into words.html with data from onesong.json.


The following files are subject to the MIT license:

  • index.html
  • index.css
  • index.js
  • words.jinja
  • allwords.py
  • onesong.py
  • mkhtml.py
  • mkjs.py


  • denylist.txt is in the public domain
  • false_inflections.txt is in the public domain
  • irregular_verbs.txt is CC BY-SA 4.0
  • diagram.{odg,png} are in the public domain
  • Makefile is in the public domain

I don't have any lawyer friends but what I know is no one can own non-trademarked words in the English language. On this ground, all words in the datasets are in the public domain ("adidas" might be an exception), but the lyrics in the form of full lines are owned by TØP and/or FBR.

I think album and track titles are uncopyrightable, so album.js would be public domain, but don't quote me on this.