@@ 62,7 62,9 @@ __boldface__ and/or dependencies (dep) in parentheses where necessary.
- <s>Learn reflow soldering (__reflow__)</s> Check out [Reflow
- <s>Host a reflow soldering workshop (dep: reflow)</s> (It's finally over)
-- Try more embedded development
+- <s>Try more embedded development</s> (Took [EECS
+ 373](../umich/w24_373.md) which was a massive pain and I'm not remotely
+ proud of what we made but technically I get to check this off)
- Get a PinePhone Pro and hack it
- This is gonna sound like an sponsorship but it's not. Get
a <s>Pinecil</s>, PineTab, PinePower, PineNote and PineBuds