
5b4acd3c7ba5a4875ce750a46c53c48cdcfdcb49 — zakk4223 2 years ago 08cd5c9
input: add support for sdl gamecontrollerdb to setup default mappings for controllers

* Add support for sdl style gamecontrollerdb to setup default mappings for controllers

* Do not cache game controller entries, find them dynamically in the file when needed

Co-authored-by: Zakk <zakk@rsdio.com>
3 files changed, 444 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

A gamecontroller_db.cpp
A gamecontroller_db.h
M input.cpp
A gamecontroller_db.cpp => gamecontroller_db.cpp +416 -0
@@ 0,0 1,416 @@
#include "gamecontroller_db.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include "input.h"
#include "file_io.h"
#include "user_io.h"
#include "profiling.h"

//Note: sdl gamecontrollerdb maps  a,b,x,y differently, so we need to swap each pair (a<->b, x<->y)
static const char *sdlname_to_mister_idx[] = {
	"---", //20
	"guide", //21

typedef struct {
	uint16_t id[4]; //bustype, vid, pid, version
	uint32_t map[NUMBUTTONS];
} controllerdb_entry;

static controllerdb_entry db_maps[MAX_GCDB_ENTRIES] = {};
static int last_db_idx = 0;

//platform should be at the end of mapping strings. this function will null the start of platform: if found
static bool cdb_entry_matches(char *db_str) 
	char *pl_ptr = NULL;
	if (!db_str || !strlen(db_str)) return false;
	pl_ptr = strcasestr(db_str, "platform:");
	if (!pl_ptr) return false;

	*pl_ptr = 0; 
	pl_ptr += strlen("platform:");
	if (!strncasecmp(pl_ptr, "Linux", 5)) return true;
	if (!strncasecmp(pl_ptr, "MiSTer", 6))
		char *core_ptr = NULL;
		core_ptr = strcasestr(db_str, "mistercore:");
		if (!core_ptr) return true; //platform:MiSTer with no core designators is a generic match
				char *nxt_c = NULL;
				char *match_c = NULL;
				core_ptr += 11;
				nxt_c = strchr(core_ptr, ',');
				if (!nxt_c) break;
				match_c = strchr(core_ptr, '*');
				if (!match_c || match_c >= nxt_c) 
					match_c = nxt_c;

				if (!strncasecmp(core_ptr, user_io_get_core_name(), match_c - core_ptr)) return true;
				if (!strncasecmp(core_ptr, user_io_get_core_name(1), match_c - core_ptr)) return true;
				core_ptr = strcasestr(nxt_c, "mistercore:");
	return false;

static int find_mister_button_num(char *sdl_name, bool *idx_high)
	*idx_high = false;
	for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(sdlname_to_mister_idx)/sizeof(char *); i++)
		const char *map_str = sdlname_to_mister_idx[i];
		if (!strcmp(map_str, sdl_name)) return i;
	if (!strcasecmp(sdl_name, "menuok"))
		*idx_high = false;

	if (!strcasecmp(sdl_name, "menuesc"))
		*idx_high = true;
	return -1;

static int find_linux_code_for_button(char *btn_name, uint16_t *btn_map, uint16_t *abs_map)
	if (!btn_name || !strlen(btn_name)) return -1;

			case 'b':
				//Normal button
				int bidx = strtol(btn_name+1, NULL, 10);
				return btn_map[bidx]; 
			case 'a':
				int aidx = strtol(btn_name+1, NULL, 10);
				return abs_map[aidx];
			case 'h':
			//Mister creates fake digital buttons for hats that depend on the code and axis direction. 
				char *dot_ptr = NULL;
				int hidx = strtol(btn_name+1, NULL, 10);
				int base_hat = ABS_HAT0X + hidx*2;
				dot_ptr = strchr(btn_name, '.');
				if (dot_ptr)
					int hat_dir = strtol(dot_ptr+1, NULL, 10);
						case 1:
							return KEY_EMU + ((base_hat+1) << 1);
						case 2:
							return KEY_EMU + (base_hat << 1) + 1;
						case 4:
							return KEY_EMU + ((base_hat+1) << 1) + 1;
						case 8:
							return KEY_EMU + (base_hat << 1); 
							return -1;
				return -1;
	return -1;

#define test_bit(bit, array)  (array [bit / 8] & (1 << (bit % 8)))

static bool parse_mapping_string(char *map_str, char *guid, int dev_fd, uint32_t *fill_map)

	static char map_guid[GUID_LEN] = {0};
	static uint16_t btn_map[KEY_MAX - BTN_JOYSTICK] = {0};
	static uint16_t abs_map[ABS_MAX] = {0};

	if (!map_str || !fill_map) return false;

	//gamecontrollerdb references buttons/axes numerically, and the number depends on the actual buttons supported
	//by the controller. Build a map of button number -> keycode (same with axes)

	if (strcmp(map_guid, guid)) //New guid, map out button indexes for this new controller 
		unsigned char keybits[(KEY_MAX+7) / 8];
		unsigned char absbits[(ABS_MAX+7) / 8];
		uint16_t btn_cnt = 0;
		uint16_t abs_cnt = 0;
		bzero(btn_map, sizeof(btn_map));
		bzero(abs_map, sizeof(abs_map));
		if (ioctl(dev_fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_KEY, sizeof(keybits)), keybits) >= 0)
			for (int i = BTN_JOYSTICK; i < KEY_MAX; i++)
					if (test_bit(i, keybits))
						btn_map[btn_cnt] = i;

			for (int i = 0; i < BTN_JOYSTICK; i++)
					if (test_bit(i, keybits))
						btn_map[btn_cnt] = i;

		if (ioctl(dev_fd, EVIOCGBIT(EV_ABS, sizeof(absbits)), absbits) >= 0)
			//The "correct" way is to test  all the way to ABS_MAX and skip any hats the device has.
			//Mister handles hats differently and it is unlikely most things in the db files have axes beyond
			//The normal sticks+triggers...
			for (int i = 0; i < ABS_HAT0X; i++)
				if (test_bit(i, absbits))
						abs_map[abs_cnt] = i;

	char l_btn[20] = {};
	char m_btn[20] = {};
	bool in_m_btn = true;
	size_t i = 0;
	bool map_parsed = false;
	char *cur_str = map_str; 

	while (cur_str && *cur_str)
		if (*cur_str == ':')
			i = 0;
			in_m_btn = false;
		} else if (*cur_str == ',') {
			i = 0;
			in_m_btn = true;
			if (l_btn[0] && m_btn[0])
				bool m_button_high = false;
				int m_button_num = find_mister_button_num(m_btn, &m_button_high);
				int l_button_code = find_linux_code_for_button(l_btn, btn_map, abs_map);
				if (m_button_num != -1 && l_button_code != -1)

					map_parsed = true;
					fill_map[m_button_num] =  m_button_high ? ((l_button_code << 16) | fill_map[m_button_num]) : ((l_button_code & 0xFFFF)  | fill_map[m_button_num]);
					if (m_button_num == SYS_BTN_OSD_KTGL+1) fill_map[m_button_num+1] = l_button_code; //guide button
					if (m_button_num >= SYS_AXIS1_X && m_button_num <= SYS_AXIS_MX)
						fill_map[m_button_num] = l_button_code | 0x20000;
			bzero(l_btn, sizeof(l_btn));
			bzero(m_btn, sizeof(m_btn));
		} else if (in_m_btn) {
			//Just truncate button names if they are too big
			if (i <= sizeof(m_btn))
				m_btn[i] = *cur_str;
		}	 else {
			if (i <= sizeof(l_btn))
				l_btn[i] = *cur_str;

	if (map_parsed)
		if ((fill_map[SYS_BTN_MENU_FUNC] & 0xFFFF) == 0)
			fill_map[SYS_BTN_MENU_FUNC] = fill_map[SYS_BTN_A] & 0xFFFF;

		if ((fill_map[SYS_BTN_MENU_FUNC] & 0xFFFF0000) == 0)
			fill_map[SYS_BTN_MENU_FUNC] = (fill_map[SYS_BTN_B] << 16) | fill_map[SYS_BTN_MENU_FUNC];

		if (fill_map[SYS_AXIS_X] == 0) fill_map[SYS_AXIS_X] = fill_map[SYS_AXIS1_X];
		if (fill_map[SYS_AXIS_Y] == 0) fill_map[SYS_AXIS_Y] = fill_map[SYS_AXIS1_Y];

	return map_parsed;

#define GCDB_DIR  "/media/fat/linux/gamecontrollerdb/"

bool read_controller_map_from_file(char *fname, char *guid, int dev_fd, uint32_t *fill_map)
	fileTextReader reader;
	char matched[1024] = {}; 
	char *map_start = NULL;

	if (FileOpenTextReader(&reader, fname))
		const char *line;
		printf("Gamecontrollerdb: searching for GUID %s in file %s\n", guid, fname);
		while ((line = FileReadLine(&reader)))
			const char *gcom = strchr(line, ',');
			if (!strncasecmp(line, guid, gcom-line))
				if (cdb_entry_matches((char *)gcom))
					map_start = strchr((char *)gcom+1, ',');
					if (map_start)
						strncpy(matched, map_start+1, sizeof(matched));

	if (matched[0] != 0)
		printf("Gamecontrollerdb: found match, using config %s\n", matched);
		return parse_mapping_string(matched, guid, dev_fd, fill_map);	

	return false; 

static int gcdb_controller_idx(uint16_t bustype, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, uint16_t version)
	for (int i=0; i < MAX_GCDB_ENTRIES; i++)
		if (db_maps[i].id[0] == bustype && db_maps[i].id[1] == vid && db_maps[i].id[2] == pid && db_maps[i].id[3] == version)
			return i;
	return -1;

static void gcdb_cache_controller_map(uint16_t bustype, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, uint16_t version, uint32_t *button_map)
	if (gcdb_controller_idx(bustype, vid, pid, version) > -1)
		//Already cached

	db_maps[last_db_idx].id[0] = bustype;
	db_maps[last_db_idx].id[1] = vid;
	db_maps[last_db_idx].id[2] = pid;
	db_maps[last_db_idx].id[3] = version;
	memcpy(db_maps[last_db_idx].map, button_map, sizeof(uint32_t)*NUMBUTTONS);
	last_db_idx = (last_db_idx +1) % MAX_GCDB_ENTRIES;

bool gcdb_map_for_controller(uint16_t bustype, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, uint16_t version, int dev_fd, uint32_t *fill_map)
		char guid_str[GUID_LEN] = {};
		int cache_idx = gcdb_controller_idx(bustype, vid, pid, version);
		if (cache_idx != -1)
			memcpy(fill_map, db_maps[cache_idx].map, sizeof(uint32_t)*NUMBUTTONS);

			return true;
		sprintf(guid_str, "%04x0000%04x0000%04x0000%04x0000", (uint16_t)(bustype << 8 | bustype >> 8), (uint16_t)( vid << 8 |  vid >> 8), (uint16_t)(pid << 8 | pid >> 8), (uint16_t)(version << 8 | version >> 8));

		char path[256] = {GCDB_DIR};
		strcat(path, "gamecontrollerdb_user.txt");
		bool found_entry = false;
		if (!(found_entry = read_controller_map_from_file(path, guid_str, dev_fd, fill_map)))
			strcpy(path, GCDB_DIR);
			strcat(path, "gamecontrollerdb.txt");
			found_entry = read_controller_map_from_file(path, guid_str, dev_fd, fill_map);

		if (found_entry)
			gcdb_cache_controller_map(bustype, vid, pid, version, fill_map);
			return true;
		return false; 

A gamecontroller_db.h => gamecontroller_db.h +15 -0
@@ 0,0 1,15 @@
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdint.h>


//Including terminating nul
#define GUID_LEN 33 

bool gcdb_map_for_controller(uint16_t bustype, uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, uint16_t version, int dev_fd, uint32_t *fill_map);

M input.cpp => input.cpp +13 -6
@@ 28,6 28,7 @@
#include "joymapping.h"
#include "support.h"
#include "profiling.h"
#include "gamecontroller_db.h"

#define NUMDEV 30
#define NUMPLAYERS 6

@@ 36,6 37,7 @@

char joy_bnames[NUMBUTTONS][32] = {};
int  joy_bcount = 0;
static struct pollfd pool[NUMDEV + 3];

static int ev2amiga[] =

@@ 1126,7 1128,7 @@ enum QUIRK

typedef struct
	uint16_t vid, pid;
	uint16_t bustype, vid, pid, version;
	char     idstr[256];
	char     mod;

@@ 2286,9 2288,12 @@ static void input_cb(struct input_event *ev, struct input_absinfo *absinfo, int 
			if (!load_map(get_map_name(dev, 1), &input[dev].mmap, sizeof(input[dev].mmap)))
				memset(input[dev].mmap, 0, sizeof(input[dev].mmap));
				memcpy(input[dev].mmap, def_mmap, sizeof(def_mmap));
				if (!gcdb_map_for_controller(input[dev].bustype, input[dev].vid, input[dev].pid, input[dev].version, pool[dev].fd, input[dev].mmap))
					memset(input[dev].mmap, 0, sizeof(input[dev].mmap));
					memcpy(input[dev].mmap, def_mmap, sizeof(def_mmap));
			if (!input[dev].mmap[SYS_BTN_OSD_KTGL + 2]) input[dev].mmap[SYS_BTN_OSD_KTGL + 2] = input[dev].mmap[SYS_BTN_OSD_KTGL + 1];

@@ 3228,8 3233,6 @@ void send_map_cmd(int key)
#define CMD_FIFO "/dev/MiSTer_cmd"
#define LED_MONITOR "/sys/class/leds/hps_led0/brightness_hw_changed"

static struct pollfd pool[NUMDEV + 3];

// add sequential suffixes for non-merged devices
void make_unique(uint16_t vid, uint16_t pid, int type)

@@ 3382,6 3385,8 @@ void mergedevs()
				input[i].bind = j;
				input[i].vid = input[j].vid;
				input[i].pid = input[j].pid;
				input[i].version = input[j].version;
				input[i].bustype = input[j].bustype;
				input[i].quirk = input[j].quirk;
				memcpy(input[i].name, input[j].name, sizeof(input[i].name));
				memcpy(input[i].idstr, input[j].idstr, sizeof(input[i].idstr));

@@ 4221,6 4226,8 @@ int input_test(int getchar)
							ioctl(pool[n].fd, EVIOCGID, &id);
							input[n].vid = id.vendor;
							input[n].pid = id.product;
							input[n].version = id.version;
							input[n].bustype = id.bustype;

							ioctl(pool[n].fd, EVIOCGUNIQ(sizeof(uniq)), uniq);
							ioctl(pool[n].fd, EVIOCGNAME(sizeof(input[n].name)), input[n].name);