
6b2283613ca4f41761723312a670baa071fac3a1 — Francesco Gazzetta 2 years ago be82d13
Add Pin monad

only Reader+IO for now
2 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)

M orchid.cabal
M src/Command/Pin.hs
M orchid.cabal => orchid.cabal +1 -0
@@ 48,6 48,7 @@ library
                         || ^>= 1.12.1
                     , cryptohash-sha256 ^>= 0.11.101
                     , unix ^>= 2.7.2
                     , mtl ^>= 2.3
  hs-source-dirs:      src

executable orchid

M src/Command/Pin.hs => src/Command/Pin.hs +61 -42
@@ 1,4 1,5 @@
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Command.Pin where

import Command (Command(Pin))

@@ 40,6 41,9 @@ import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 (hash)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)

import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, asks)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)

data PinContext = PinContext
  { targets :: [FilePath]

@@ 51,6 55,14 @@ data PinContext = PinContext
  , startTime :: UTCTime
  , storeContents :: StoreContents }

-- TODO state = type PinState = BimapMany FilePath Hash ()
newtype PinM a = PinM { runPin' :: ReaderT (BaseContext, PinContext) IO a }
  deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (BaseContext, PinContext))

runPin :: BaseContext -> PinContext -> PinM a -> IO a
runPin baseCtx pinCtx = flip runReaderT (baseCtx, pinCtx) . runPin'

pinCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
pinCommand = command "pin" (info (Pin <$> pinOptions)
  ( progDesc "Pin the store paths used by files in the specified paths" ))

@@ 58,13 70,16 @@ pinCommand = command "pin" (info (Pin <$> pinOptions)
pinAction :: BaseContext -> PinOptions -> IO ()
pinAction baseCtx pinOpts = do
  pinCtx <- establishPinContext baseCtx pinOpts
  cleanLinks pinCtx
  traverseFileTrees (processFile baseCtx pinCtx) $ targets pinCtx
  updateLastExecution pinCtx
  runPin baseCtx pinCtx $ do
    traverseFileTrees processFile $ targets pinCtx

updateLastExecution :: PinContext -> IO ()
updateLastExecution pinCtx =
  setModificationTime (lastExecutionFile pinCtx) $ startTime pinCtx
updateLastExecution :: PinM ()
updateLastExecution = do
  time <- asks (startTime . snd)
  file <- asks (lastExecutionFile . snd)
  liftIO $ setModificationTime file time

establishPinContext :: BaseContext -> PinOptions -> IO PinContext
establishPinContext baseCtx pinOpts = do

@@ 95,29 110,31 @@ getDefaultGcrootsPath = do
  userName <- getEffectiveUserName
  pure $ "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user" </> userName </> "orchid"

processFile :: BaseContext -> PinContext -> FilePath -> IO ()
processFile baseCtx pinCtx source = do
  let hashed = bsHex $ hash $ fromString source
      target = gcrootsDir pinCtx </> hashed
  fileMod <- getModificationTime source
  when (fileMod > lastExecution pinCtx) $ do
    isLink <- pathIsSymbolicLink source
    storePaths <- if isLink
      then do
        linkTarget <- getSymbolicLinkTarget source
        let maybeHash = hashFromPath (storeDir baseCtx) linkTarget
            maybeStorePath = maybeHash >>= lookupHash (storeContents pinCtx)
        pure $ maybeToList maybeStorePath
      else do
        -- TODO check that it's a normal file (could be a socket or other special file)
        contents <- LBS.readFile source
        pure $ mapMaybe (lookupHash $ storeContents pinCtx)
             $ nubOrd
             $ findStoreHashes (storeDir baseCtx) contents
    unless (null storePaths) $ do
      createDirectoryIfMissing True $ target </> "roots"
      createFileLink source $ target </> "source"
      traverse_ (linkPath $ target </> "roots") storePaths
processFile :: FilePath -> PinM ()
processFile source = do
  (baseCtx, pinCtx) <- ask
  liftIO $ do
    let hashed = bsHex $ hash $ fromString source
        target = gcrootsDir pinCtx </> hashed
    fileMod <- getModificationTime source
    when (fileMod > lastExecution pinCtx) $ do
      isLink <- pathIsSymbolicLink source
      storePaths <- if isLink
        then do
          linkTarget <- getSymbolicLinkTarget source
          let maybeHash = hashFromPath (storeDir baseCtx) linkTarget
              maybeStorePath = maybeHash >>= lookupHash (storeContents pinCtx)
          pure $ maybeToList maybeStorePath
        else do
          -- TODO check that it's a normal file (could be a socket or other special file)
          contents <- LBS.readFile source
          pure $ mapMaybe (lookupHash $ storeContents pinCtx)
              $ nubOrd
              $ findStoreHashes (storeDir baseCtx) contents
      unless (null storePaths) $ do
        createDirectoryIfMissing True $ target </> "roots"
        createFileLink source $ target </> "source"
        traverse_ (linkPath $ target </> "roots") storePaths

linkPath :: FilePath -> (Hash, FilePath) -> IO ()
linkPath targetDir (hashed, storePath) = do

@@ 131,16 148,18 @@ linkPath targetDir (hashed, storePath) = do
    , storePath ]

cleanLinks :: PinContext -> IO ()
cleanLinks pinCtx = do
  ls <- listDirectory $ gcrootsDir pinCtx
  forM_ ls $ \entry -> do
    entrySource <- getSymbolicLinkTarget (gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry </> "source")
    shouldRemove <- do
      sourceExists <- doesFileExist entrySource
      if sourceExists
      then do
        entryMod <- getModificationTime entrySource
        pure $ entryMod > lastExecution pinCtx
      else pure True
    when shouldRemove $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry
cleanLinks :: PinM ()
cleanLinks = do
  (_, pinCtx) <- ask
  liftIO $ do
    ls <- listDirectory $ gcrootsDir pinCtx
    forM_ ls $ \entry -> do
      entrySource <- getSymbolicLinkTarget (gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry </> "source")
      shouldRemove <- do
        sourceExists <- doesFileExist entrySource
        if sourceExists
        then do
          entryMod <- getModificationTime entrySource
          pure $ entryMod > lastExecution pinCtx
        else pure True
      when shouldRemove $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry