A cabal.project => cabal.project +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
+packages: orchid.cabal bimap-many
M default.nix => default.nix +3 -1
@@ 5,5 5,7 @@
src = pkgs.nix-gitignore.gitignoreSource [".git"] ./.;
pkg = pkgs.haskell.lib.generateOptparseApplicativeCompletions ["orchid"]
- (pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "orchid" src {});
+ (pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "orchid" src {
+ bimap-many = pkgs.haskellPackages.callCabal2nix "bimap-many" ./bimap-many {};
+ });
in if onlyExe then pkgs.haskell.lib.justStaticExecutables pkg else pkg
M orchid.cabal => orchid.cabal +13 -6
@@ 26,8 26,7 @@ common common
|| ^>=4.14
|| ^>=4.15
|| ^>=4.16
- , optparse-applicative ^>=
- || ^>=
+ || ^>=4.17
import: common
@@ 36,10 35,12 @@ library
, BaseContext
, Command
, Command.Pin
+ , Command.Pin.Db
, Command.Pin.Options
other-modules: Util
, Util.Nix
- -- other-extensions:
+ other-extensions: GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ NamedFieldPuns
build-depends: containers ^>=
, bytestring ^>= 0.10.10
|| ^>= 0.11
@@ 47,13 48,19 @@ library
, filepath ^>= 1.4.2
, directory ^>= 1.3.6
, process ^>= 1.6.9
+ , typed-process ^>=
+ || ^>=
, time ^>= 1.9.3
|| ^>= 1.10
|| ^>= 1.11
|| ^>= 1.12.1
- , cryptohash-sha256 ^>= 0.11.101
- , unix ^>= 2.7.2
- , mtl ^>= 2.3
+ , mtl ^>= 2.2
+ || ^>= 2.3
+ , bimap-many
+ , optparse-applicative ^>=
+ || ^>=
+ , aeson ^>= 2.0
+ || ^>= 2.1
hs-source-dirs: src
executable orchid
M src/BaseContext.hs => src/BaseContext.hs +9 -4
@@ 4,8 4,10 @@ import Options.GlobalOptions (GlobalOptions)
import qualified Options.GlobalOptions as GlobalOptions
import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import System.Exit (die)
-import System.Process (readProcess)
+import System.Process.Typed (proc, readProcessStdout_)
+import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode)
-- | The context we need to execute any command.
@@ 16,9 18,12 @@ data BaseContext = BaseContext
establishBaseContext :: GlobalOptions -> IO BaseContext
establishBaseContext globalOpts = do
- defaultStoreDir <- readProcess "nix"
- ["eval", "--raw", "--expr", "builtins.storeDir"]
- mempty
+ -- TODO move to nix module, maybe use typed-process for everything
+ defaultStoreDirJSON <- readProcessStdout_ $ proc "nix-instantiate"
+ ["--eval", "--json", "--expr", "(builtins.storeDir)"]
+ defaultStoreDir <- case eitherDecode defaultStoreDirJSON of
+ Left e -> die $ "Cannot decode result of builtins.storeDir Nix call: " <> e
+ Right s -> pure s
pure BaseContext
{ storeDir = fromMaybe defaultStoreDir $ GlobalOptions.storeDir globalOpts
M src/Command/Pin.hs => src/Command/Pin.hs +89 -94
@@ 4,6 4,7 @@ module Command.Pin where
import Command (Command(Pin))
import Command.Pin.Options (PinOptions, pinOptions)
+import Command.Pin.Db
import qualified Command.Pin.Options as Opts
import BaseContext
@@ 12,56 13,55 @@ import Util.Nix
import Options.Applicative
-import Data.Maybe (mapMaybe, maybeToList)
-import Data.Foldable (traverse_)
-import Control.Monad (when, unless, forM_, void)
+import Data.Maybe (maybeToList, fromMaybe)
+import Control.Monad (when, forM_)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
-import Data.String (fromString)
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
+import qualified Data.BimapMany as BMM
+import qualified Data.Set as Set
import System.FilePath ((</>))
-- TODO use bytestring functions from unix package
import System.Directory
- ( listDirectory, doesPathExist, doesFileExist
- , createDirectoryIfMissing, createFileLink
- , getModificationTime, setModificationTime
- , removeDirectoryRecursive
+ ( doesFileExist
+ , createDirectoryIfMissing
+ , getModificationTime
+ , getXdgDirectory
+ , XdgDirectory(XdgState)
+ , removeFile
, canonicalizePath
, pathIsSymbolicLink
, getSymbolicLinkTarget )
-import System.Process (readProcess)
-import System.Posix.User (getEffectiveUserName)
-import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 (hash)
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
-import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
-import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, runReaderT, ask, asks)
+import Control.Monad.Reader (MonadReader, ReaderT, runReaderT, ask)
+import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, StateT, runStateT, get, modify')
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO, liftIO)
data PinContext = PinContext
{ targets :: [FilePath]
, fullScan :: Bool
- , gcrootsRoot :: FilePath
, gcrootsDir :: FilePath
- , lastExecutionFile :: FilePath
- , lastExecution :: UTCTime
+ , dbPath :: FilePath
+ , initialDb :: PinDb
, startTime :: UTCTime
, storeContents :: StoreContents }
+type PinState = RootsBimap
--- TODO state = type PinState = BimapMany FilePath Hash ()
-newtype PinM a = PinM { runPin' :: ReaderT (BaseContext, PinContext) IO a }
- deriving (Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO, MonadReader (BaseContext, PinContext))
+-- MAYBE when we have a Monoid trie, change State to Accum
+newtype PinM a = PinM { runPin' :: ReaderT (BaseContext, PinContext) (StateT PinState IO) a }
+ deriving
+ ( Functor, Applicative, Monad, MonadIO
+ , MonadReader (BaseContext, PinContext)
+ , MonadState PinState )
-runPin :: BaseContext -> PinContext -> PinM a -> IO a
-runPin baseCtx pinCtx = flip runReaderT (baseCtx, pinCtx) . runPin'
+runPin :: BaseContext -> PinContext -> PinState -> PinM a -> IO (a, PinState)
+runPin baseCtx pinCtx pinState = flip runStateT pinState . flip runReaderT (baseCtx, pinCtx) . runPin'
pinCommand :: Mod CommandFields Command
pinCommand = command "pin" (info (Pin <$> pinOptions)
@@ 69,97 69,92 @@ pinCommand = command "pin" (info (Pin <$> pinOptions)
pinAction :: BaseContext -> PinOptions -> IO ()
pinAction baseCtx pinOpts = do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "Reading state and nix store…"
pinCtx <- establishPinContext baseCtx pinOpts
- runPin baseCtx pinCtx $ do
+ ((), finalDb) <- runPin baseCtx pinCtx (rootsBimap $ initialDb pinCtx) $ do
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "Cleaning old roots…"
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "Scanning for new references…"
traverseFileTrees processFile $ targets pinCtx
- updateLastExecution
-updateLastExecution :: PinM ()
-updateLastExecution = do
- time <- asks (startTime . snd)
- file <- asks (lastExecutionFile . snd)
- liftIO $ setModificationTime file time
+ newDb <- get
+ let rootsToCreate = Set.difference (BMM.keysSetR newDb) (BMM.keysSetR (rootsBimap $ initialDb pinCtx))
+ liftIO $ putStrLn "Creating new roots…"
+ forM_ rootsToCreate linkHash
+ putStrLn "Writing out new state…"
+ -- TODO atomic write (mktemp+mv)
+ writeDb (dbPath pinCtx) (PinDb (startTime pinCtx) finalDb)
+ putStrLn "All done!"
establishPinContext :: BaseContext -> PinOptions -> IO PinContext
establishPinContext baseCtx pinOpts = do
targets <- traverse canonicalizePath $ Opts.targets pinOpts
- gcrootsRoot <- maybe getDefaultGcrootsPath pure $ Opts.gcrootsPath pinOpts
- let gcrootsDir = gcrootsRoot </> "files"
- lastExecutionFile = gcrootsRoot </> "last-execution"
+ stateDir <- getXdgDirectory XdgState "orchid"
+ let gcrootsDir = fromMaybe (stateDir </> "roots") $ Opts.gcrootsPath pinOpts
+ dbPath = stateDir </> "pin-db.json"
+ initialDb <- readDb dbPath
createDirectoryIfMissing True gcrootsDir
- lastExecutionExists <- doesPathExist lastExecutionFile
- unless lastExecutionExists $ do
- writeFile lastExecutionFile ""
- setModificationTime lastExecutionFile $ posixSecondsToUTCTime 0
- lastExecution <- getModificationTime lastExecutionFile
startTime <- getCurrentTime
storeContents <- getStoreContents $ storeDir baseCtx
pure PinContext
{ targets
, fullScan = Opts.fullScan pinOpts
- , gcrootsRoot
, gcrootsDir
- , lastExecutionFile
- , lastExecution
+ , dbPath
+ , initialDb
, startTime
, storeContents }
-getDefaultGcrootsPath :: IO FilePath
-getDefaultGcrootsPath = do
- userName <- getEffectiveUserName
- pure $ "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user" </> userName </> "orchid"
processFile :: FilePath -> PinM ()
processFile source = do
(baseCtx, pinCtx) <- ask
- liftIO $ do
- let hashed = bsHex $ hash $ fromString source
- target = gcrootsDir pinCtx </> hashed
- fileMod <- getModificationTime source
- when (fileMod > lastExecution pinCtx) $ do
- isLink <- pathIsSymbolicLink source
- storePaths <- if isLink
- then do
- linkTarget <- getSymbolicLinkTarget source
- let maybeHash = hashFromPath (storeDir baseCtx) linkTarget
- maybeStorePath = maybeHash >>= lookupHash (storeContents pinCtx)
- pure $ maybeToList maybeStorePath
- else do
- -- TODO check that it's a normal file (could be a socket or other special file)
- contents <- LBS.readFile source
- pure $ mapMaybe (lookupHash $ storeContents pinCtx)
- $ nubOrd
- $ findStoreHashes (storeDir baseCtx) contents
- unless (null storePaths) $ do
- createDirectoryIfMissing True $ target </> "roots"
- createFileLink source $ target </> "source"
- traverse_ (linkPath $ target </> "roots") storePaths
-linkPath :: FilePath -> (Hash, FilePath) -> IO ()
-linkPath targetDir (hashed, storePath) = do
- putStrLn $ "Pinning " <> storePath
- -- The link is guaranteed (modulo interleaving) not to exist because of the
- -- clean phase
- void $ readProcess "nix-store"
- [ "--quiet"
- , "--realise"
- , "--add-root", targetDir </> hashed
- , storePath ]
- mempty
+ -- TODO https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/155
+ -- unix has `modificationTime <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus _`
+ fileMod <- liftIO $ getModificationTime source
+ when (fileMod > lastExecution (initialDb pinCtx)) $ do
+ isLink <- liftIO $ pathIsSymbolicLink source
+ -- TODO print a warning if the store path does not exist, and point to the recover command
+ hashes <- filter (hashExists (storeContents pinCtx)) <$> if isLink
+ then do
+ linkTarget <- liftIO $ getSymbolicLinkTarget source
+ pure $ maybeToList $ hashFromPath (storeDir baseCtx) linkTarget
+ else do
+ -- TODO check that it's a normal file (could be a socket or other special file)
+ -- unix has isRegularFile
+ contents <- liftIO $ LBS.readFile source
+ pure $ nubOrd $ findStoreHashes (storeDir baseCtx) contents
+ forM_ hashes $ \hash -> modify' $ BMM.insert source hash
+linkHash :: Hash -> PinM ()
+linkHash hash = do
+ (_, pinCtx) <- ask
+ case lookupHash (storeContents pinCtx) hash of
+ -- TODO make type-safe, for example by using Bimap.Extended and adding the
+ -- path there or by adding a (Set (Hash, storePath :: FilePath)) of stuff
+ -- to link to the state. Or sqlite.
+ Nothing -> error $ "impossible: store path with hash " <> hash <> " disappeared"
+ Just storePath -> liftIO $ do
+ putStrLn $ " Pinning " <> storePath
+ -- The link is guaranteed (modulo interleaving) not to exist because of the
+ -- clean phase
+ addRoot storePath $ gcrootsDir pinCtx </> hash
cleanLinks :: PinM ()
cleanLinks = do
(_, pinCtx) <- ask
- liftIO $ do
- ls <- listDirectory $ gcrootsDir pinCtx
- forM_ ls $ \entry -> do
- entrySource <- getSymbolicLinkTarget (gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry </> "source")
- shouldRemove <- do
- sourceExists <- doesFileExist entrySource
- if sourceExists
- then do
- entryMod <- getModificationTime entrySource
- pure $ entryMod > lastExecution pinCtx
- else pure True
- when shouldRemove $ removeDirectoryRecursive $ gcrootsDir pinCtx </> entry
+ dbDirty <- get
+ forM_ (BMM.keysL dbDirty) $ \fp -> do
+ shouldRemove <- do
+ sourceExists <- liftIO $ doesFileExist fp
+ if sourceExists
+ then do
+ -- TODO https://github.com/haskell/directory/issues/155
+ -- unix has `modificationTime <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus _`
+ entryMod <- liftIO $ getModificationTime fp
+ pure $ entryMod > lastExecution (initialDb pinCtx)
+ else pure True
+ when shouldRemove $ modify' $ BMM.deleteL fp
+ dbClean <- get
+ let rootsToDelete = Set.difference (BMM.keysSetR dbDirty) (BMM.keysSetR dbClean)
+ liftIO $ forM_ rootsToDelete $ \root -> do
+ putStrLn $ " Removing stale link " <> root
+ removeFile $ gcrootsDir pinCtx </> root
A src/Command/Pin/Db.hs => src/Command/Pin/Db.hs +75 -0
@@ 0,0 1,75 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+module Command.Pin.Db where
+import Util.Nix
+import qualified Data.BimapMany as BMM
+import Data.BimapMany (BimapMany)
+import Data.Aeson
+ ( eitherDecodeFileStrict', encodeFile
+ , FromJSON(..), ToJSON(..)
+ , withObject, (.:)
+ , object, (.=) )
+import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime)
+import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
+import Control.Monad (guard, unless)
+import Control.Exception (handleJust)
+import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
+import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
+import System.Exit (exitFailure)
+-- MAYBE rename "roots" to "references" throughout the code
+type RootsBimap = BimapMany FilePath Hash
+data PinDb = PinDb
+ -- TODO this works pretty bad when pinning different stuff separately
+ -- either
+ -- better document that the user has to either
+ -- scan everything in a single command or
+ -- use different root dirs
+ -- or implement a path=>scan_time map or trie (pay attention to the cleanup phase)
+ { lastExecution :: UTCTime
+ , rootsBimap :: RootsBimap }
+-- TODO when we switch to a trie, we can have a Monoid instance
+emptyPinDb :: PinDb
+emptyPinDb = PinDb (posixSecondsToUTCTime 0) mempty
+currentDbVersion :: Int
+currentDbVersion = 1
+-- TODO use a more efficient encoding, like `Map a (Set b)` or use indexes
+-- instead of strings + an index-string map, and/or switch to sqlite or binary
+-- encoding
+instance FromJSON PinDb where
+ parseJSON = withObject "PinDb" $ \dbObj -> do
+ version <- dbObj .: "version" >>= parseJSON
+ unless (version == currentDbVersion) $ fail "Database version mismatch. Sorry, you'll have to recreate it!"
+ lastExecution <- dbObj .: "last-execution" >>= parseJSON
+ roots <- dbObj .: "roots"
+ rootsBimap <- BMM.fromList <$> parseJSON roots
+ pure $ PinDb {lastExecution, rootsBimap}
+instance ToJSON PinDb where
+ toJSON PinDb {lastExecution, rootsBimap} = object
+ [ "version" .= toJSON currentDbVersion
+ , "last-execution" .= toJSON lastExecution
+ , "roots" .= toJSON (BMM.toList rootsBimap) ]
+ -- TODO toEncoding
+readDb :: FilePath -> IO PinDb
+readDb dbPath = handleJust (guard . isDoesNotExistError) (const $ pure emptyPinDb) $ do
+ eitherDecoded <- eitherDecodeFileStrict' dbPath
+ case eitherDecoded of
+ -- TODO handle this properly
+ Left err -> do
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Error decoding db: " <> err
+ hPutStrLn stderr $ "Try deleting " <> dbPath <> " and retry"
+ exitFailure
+ Right db -> pure db
+writeDb :: FilePath -> PinDb -> IO ()
+writeDb = encodeFile
M src/Command/Pin/Options.hs => src/Command/Pin/Options.hs +1 -1
@@ 16,7 16,7 @@ pinOptions = PinOptions
( long "gcroots-path"
<> hidden
<> metavar "PATH"
- <> help "Where to put the garbage collection roots (must be in nix's gcroots directory)" )
+ <> help "Where to put the garbage collection roots" )
<*> switch
( long "full-scan"
<> help "Perform a full scan, ignoring modification times" )
M src/Util/Nix.hs => src/Util/Nix.hs +18 -4
@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
module Util.Nix where
+import Control.Monad (void)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Map (Map)
@@ 16,6 17,9 @@ import Data.ByteString.Lazy.Search (split)
import System.FilePath ((</>), addTrailingPathSeparator, isPathSeparator)
import System.Directory (listDirectory)
+import System.Process (readProcess)
type Hash = String
type StoreContents = Map Hash FilePath
@@ 43,11 47,21 @@ hashFromPath storePath path = do
then pure hashCandidate
else Nothing
-lookupHash :: StoreContents -> Hash -> Maybe (Hash, FilePath)
-lookupHash storeContents hash =
- (hash,) <$> Map.lookup hash storeContents
+lookupHash :: StoreContents -> Hash -> Maybe FilePath
+lookupHash storeContents hash = Map.lookup hash storeContents
+hashExists :: StoreContents -> Hash -> Bool
+hashExists = flip Map.member
getStoreContents :: FilePath -> IO StoreContents
getStoreContents storePath =
Map.fromList . fmap (\path -> (take 32 path, storePath </> path))
<$> listDirectory storePath
+addRoot :: FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
+addRoot storePath path = void $ readProcess "nix-store"
+ [ "--quiet"
+ , "--realise"
+ , "--add-root", path
+ , storePath ]
+ mempty