M gen.tcl => gen.tcl +2 -2
@@ 11,7 11,7 @@ while {[gets $md line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^ (.*)} $line _ docline]} then {
if {$is_fun} then {dict append fun_dict $fun_name "\n--- $docline"}
} else {
- set is_fun [regexp {^\* `((?:minetest|vector)\.\w+)\(} $line _ fun_name]
+ set is_fun [regexp {^\* `((?:minetest|vector|table)\.\w+)\(} $line _ fun_name]
if {$is_fun} then {dict set fun_dict $fun_name [list]}
@@ 23,7 23,7 @@ foreach file [glob "templates/*.lua"] {
set in [open $file]
set out [open "library/[file tail $file]" w]
while {[gets $in line] >= 0} {
- if {[regexp {^function ((?:minetest|vector)\.\w+)\(} $line _ fun_name]} then {
+ if {[regexp {^function ((?:minetest|vector|table)\.\w+)\(} $line _ fun_name]} then {
set docstring [string trim [dict get $fun_dict $fun_name]]
if {$docstring != ""} then {puts $out [string trim [dict get $fun_dict $fun_name]]}
A library/table.lua => library/table.lua +52 -0
@@ 0,0 1,52 @@
+-- We follow sections and order from lua_api.md
+-- NOTE: `table` is already defined in the lua standard library, so there is no
+-- need to set it to {}
+-- Helper functions
+---@generic T : table
+---@param table T
+---@return T
+--- * returns a deep copy of `table`
+function table.copy(table) end
+---@generic V
+---@param list V[]
+---@param val V
+---@return integer
+--- the value `val` in the table `list`. Non-numerical indices are ignored.
+--- If `val` could not be found, `-1` is returned. `list` must not have
+--- negative indices.
+function table.indexof(list, val) end
+---@param table table
+---@param other_table table
+--- * Appends all values in `other_table` to `table` - uses `#table + 1` to
+--- find new indices.
+function table.insert_all(table, other_table) end
+---@generic K, V
+---@param t table<K, V>
+---@return table<V, K>
+--- * If multiple keys in `t` map to the same value, it is unspecified which
+--- value maps to that key.
+function table.key_value_swap(t) end
+---@param table
+---@param from?
+---@param to?
+---@param random_func?
+--- * Shuffles elements `from` to `to` in `table` in place
+--- * `from` defaults to `1`
+--- * `to` defaults to `#table`
+--- * `random_func` defaults to `math.random`. This function receives two
+--- integers as arguments and should return a random integer inclusively
+--- between them.
+function table.shuffle(table, [from], [to], [random_func]) end
A templates/table.lua => templates/table.lua +38 -0
@@ 0,0 1,38 @@
+-- We follow sections and order from lua_api.md
+-- NOTE: `table` is already defined in the lua standard library, so there is no
+-- need to set it to {}
+-- Helper functions
+---@generic T : table
+---@param table T
+---@return T
+function table.copy(table) end
+---@generic V
+---@param list V[]
+---@param val V
+---@return integer
+function table.indexof(list, val) end
+---@param table table
+---@param other_table table
+function table.insert_all(table, other_table) end
+---@generic K, V
+---@param t table<K, V>
+---@return table<V, K>
+function table.key_value_swap(t) end
+---@param table
+---@param from?
+---@param to?
+---@param random_func?
+function table.shuffle(table, [from], [to], [random_func]) end