#Gray Goo Minetest mod
Adds a Gray Goo block that turns everything into itself and slowly moves towards the player
Warning: extremely destructive!
#How to play
- Give yourself a Gray Goo node with
/giveme gray_goo:gray_goo
- Place the node
#To do
- [ ] Multiplayer
- [ ] Target multiple players
- [ ] Actual textures
- [ ] Goo-destroying virus
- Settings/modes
- [ ] Assimilation/movement speed/interval
- [x] Fast mode
- [ ] Relentless mode
- [ ] Spread mode (red goo, tendrils, less goo movement, more and stronger mobs)
- Mobs
Main inspiration: creatures from the comic "Spread".
Spawning requires (and destroys) a certain amount of Goo.
- [ ] runner: fast, can turn nodes into Goo, spawns if the player is horizontally far
- [ ] floater: flies, can turn nodes into Goo, spawns if the player is vertically far
- [ ] fighter: strong attack and defense, cannot turn nodes into Goo, spawns if the player is close
- [ ] ???: when the mod is applied to a certain game
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