@@ 60,6 60,7 @@ end
local function extrude(surface, direction, meta, remove)
local amount = math.max(1, meta:get_int("amount"))
+ local overwrite = meta:get_int("overwrite") == 1
-- TODO use VoxelManip (and accumulate two of the bounding coordinates in visit()?)
-- or at least bulk_set_node
@@ 72,9 73,9 @@ local function extrude(surface, direction, meta, remove)
pos = vector.subtract(pos, direction)
- -- MAYBE check that it's air, do not overwrite other nodes
- -- or add a setting
- minetest.set_node(pos, node)
+ if overwrite or minetest.get_node(pos).name == "air" then
+ minetest.set_node(pos, node)
+ end
pos = vector.add(pos, direction)
@@ 104,9 105,10 @@ end
local settings_formspec = [[
- size[4,3]
- button_exit[0.5,1.8;3,0.8;confirm;Confirm]
+ size[4,3.5]
+ button_exit[0.5,2.4;3,0.8;confirm;Confirm]
field[0.5,0.6;3,0.8;amount;Extrusion amount;%d]
+ checkbox[0.5,1.9;overwrite;Allow overwriting;%s]
minetest.register_tool(modname .. ":extruder", {
@@ 128,9 130,14 @@ minetest.register_tool(modname .. ":extruder", {
-- TODO add "go/select through vertices" checkbox
-- TODO add "only extrude/select nodes of the same type"
on_secondary_use = function(itemstack, placer, _)
- local amount = math.max(1, itemstack:get_meta():get_int("amount"))
+ local meta = itemstack:get_meta()
+ local amount = math.max(1, meta:get_int("amount"))
+ local overwrite = meta:get_int("overwrite") == 1
minetest.show_formspec(placer:get_player_name(), modname .. ":settings",
- string.format(settings_formspec, amount)
+ string.format(settings_formspec,
+ amount,
+ overwrite and "true" or "false"
+ )
@@ 142,14 149,28 @@ minetest.register_on_player_receive_fields(function(player, formname, fields)
local wield_index = player:get_wield_index()
local itemstack = inventory:get_stack("main", wield_index)
if (not itemstack) or (itemstack:get_name() ~= (modname .. ":extruder")) then return end
+ local meta = itemstack:get_meta()
+ local amount
+ if fields.amount then
+ amount = tonumber(fields.amount)
+ if (not amount) or (amount < 1) then amount = 1 end
+ meta:set_int("amount", amount)
+ else
+ amount = math.max(1, meta:get_int("amount"))
+ end
- local amount = tonumber(fields.amount)
- if (not amount) or (amount < 1) then amount = 1 end
- local amount_str = amount == 1 and "" or tostring(amount)
- itemstack:get_meta():set_int("amount", amount)
+ local overwrite
+ if fields.overwrite then
+ overwrite = fields.overwrite == "true"
+ meta:set_int("overwrite", overwrite and 1 or 0)
+ else
+ overwrite = meta:get_int("overwrite") == 1
+ end
- itemstack:get_meta():set_string("count_meta", table.concat({
- amount_str,
+ meta:set_string("count_meta", table.concat({
+ amount == 1 and "" or tostring(amount),
+ overwrite and "!" or "",
}, ""))
inventory:set_stack("main", wield_index, itemstack)