
d7ca3e73c8282345d9de993a3132d9df1726b2a7 — Francesco Gazzetta 2 years ago 0261636
Free c objects

Let's not leak memory!
1 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 59 deletions(-)

M src/Data/UCL.hs
M src/Data/UCL.hs => src/Data/UCL.hs +98 -59
@@ 10,9 10,9 @@ module Data.UCL

import Foreign.C
  ( CUInt(..), CInt(..), CSize(..), CDouble(..), CString, CStringLen
  , newCString, newCStringLen, peekCString )
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafePerformIO)
  , withCString, withCStringLen, peekCString )
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, FunPtr)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr
import qualified Data.Text.Foreign as TF
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Map as Map

@@ 22,9 22,12 @@ import Data.ByteString (ByteString, useAsCStringLen)
import Control.Monad ((>=>))

newtype ParserHandle = ParserHandle (Ptr ())
newtype UCLObjectHandle = UCLObjectHandle (Ptr ())
newtype UCLIterHandle = UCLIterHandle (Ptr ())
-- Low-level bindings

data Parser
data UCLObject
data UCLIter

type UCL_TYPE = CUInt

@@ 46,23 49,49 @@ pattern UCL_USERDATA = 7
pattern UCL_NULL :: UCL_TYPE
pattern UCL_NULL = 8

foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_new" ucl_parser_new :: CInt -> IO (Ptr Parser)
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_add_string" ucl_parser_add_string :: Ptr Parser -> CString -> CSize -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_add_file" ucl_parser_add_file :: Ptr Parser -> CString -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_get_object" ucl_parser_get_object :: Ptr Parser -> IO (Ptr UCLObject)
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_get_error" ucl_parser_get_error :: Ptr Parser -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "&ucl_parser_free" p_ucl_parser_free :: FunPtr (Ptr Parser -> IO ())

foreign import ccall "ucl_object_iterate_new" ucl_object_iterate_new :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO (Ptr UCLIter)
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_iterate_safe" ucl_object_iterate_safe :: Ptr UCLIter -> Bool -> IO (Ptr UCLObject)
foreign import ccall "&ucl_object_iterate_free" p_ucl_object_iterate_free :: FunPtr (Ptr UCLIter -> IO ())
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_type" ucl_object_type :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO UCL_TYPE
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_key" ucl_object_key :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_toint" ucl_object_toint :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_todouble" ucl_object_todouble :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO CDouble
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_tostring" ucl_object_tostring :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO CString
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_toboolean" ucl_object_toboolean :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "&ucl_object_unref" p_ucl_object_unref :: FunPtr (Ptr UCLObject -> IO ())

foreign import ccall "strlen" c_strlen :: CString -> IO CSize

foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_new" ucl_parser_new :: CInt -> IO ParserHandle
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_add_string" ucl_parser_add_string :: ParserHandle -> CString -> CSize -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_add_file" ucl_parser_add_file :: ParserHandle -> CString -> IO Bool
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_get_object" ucl_parser_get_object :: ParserHandle -> IO UCLObjectHandle
foreign import ccall "ucl_parser_get_error" ucl_parser_get_error :: ParserHandle -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "ucl_object_iterate_new" ucl_object_iterate_new :: UCLObjectHandle -> IO UCLIterHandle
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_iterate_safe" ucl_object_iterate_safe :: UCLIterHandle -> Bool -> IO UCLObjectHandle
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_type" ucl_object_type :: UCLObjectHandle -> UCL_TYPE
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_key" ucl_object_key :: UCLObjectHandle -> CString
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_toint" ucl_object_toint :: UCLObjectHandle -> CInt
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_todouble" ucl_object_todouble :: UCLObjectHandle -> CDouble
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_tostring" ucl_object_tostring :: UCLObjectHandle -> CString
foreign import ccall "ucl_object_toboolean" ucl_object_toboolean :: UCLObjectHandle -> Bool
-- Mid level interface with ForeignPtr

foreign import ccall "strlen" c_strlen :: CString -> IO CSize
newParser :: IO (ForeignPtr Parser)
newParser = ucl_parser_new 0x0 >>= newForeignPtr p_ucl_parser_free

addString :: ForeignPtr Parser -> CStringLen -> IO Bool
addString fp (cs, len) = withForeignPtr fp $ \p ->
  ucl_parser_add_string p cs $ fromIntegral len

addFile :: ForeignPtr Parser -> FilePath -> IO Bool
addFile fp s = withCString s $ \cs ->
  withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> ucl_parser_add_file p cs

getObject :: ForeignPtr Parser -> IO (ForeignPtr UCLObject)
getObject = (`withForeignPtr` ucl_parser_get_object) >=> newForeignPtr p_ucl_object_unref

getError :: ForeignPtr Parser -> IO String
getError = (`withForeignPtr` (ucl_parser_get_error >=> peekCString))

newIterator :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO (ForeignPtr UCLIter)
newIterator = ucl_object_iterate_new >=> newForeignPtr p_ucl_object_iterate_free

peekCStringText :: CString -> IO Text

@@ 98,15 127,10 @@ parseByteString bs = useAsCStringLen bs parseCStringLen
-- read files, make http requests, do "billion laughs" attacks, and possibly
-- crash the parser.
parseString :: String -> IO (Either String UCL)
parseString = newCStringLen >=> parseCStringLen
parseString = (`withCStringLen` parseCStringLen)

parseCStringLen :: CStringLen -> IO (Either String UCL)
parseCStringLen (cs, len) = do
  p <- ucl_parser_new 0x0
  didParse <- ucl_parser_add_string p cs $ fromIntegral len
  if didParse
  then Right . handleToUCL <$> ucl_parser_get_object p
  else Left <$> (ucl_parser_get_error p >>= peekCString)
parseCStringLen = parseWith addString

-- | Parse the contents of a file into a 'UCL', resolving includes, macros,
-- variables...

@@ 115,13 139,15 @@ parseCStringLen (cs, len) = do
-- read files, make http requests, do "billion laughs" attacks, and possibly
-- crash the parser.
parseFile :: FilePath -> IO (Either String UCL)
parseFile s = do
    cs <- newCString s
    p <- ucl_parser_new 0x0
    didParse <- ucl_parser_add_file p cs
    if didParse
    then Right . handleToUCL <$> ucl_parser_get_object p
    else Left <$> (ucl_parser_get_error p >>= peekCString)
parseFile = parseWith addFile

parseWith :: (ForeignPtr Parser -> a -> IO Bool) -> a -> IO (Either String UCL)
parseWith addX x = do
  p <- newParser
  didParse <- addX p x
  if didParse
  then Right <$> (getObject p >>= flip withForeignPtr foreignToUCL)
  else Left <$> getError p

-- | An UCL object
data UCL = UCLMap (Map Text UCL)

@@ 133,40 159,53 @@ data UCL = UCLMap (Map Text UCL)
         | UCLTime DiffTime
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

handleToUCL :: UCLObjectHandle -> UCL
handleToUCL o = typedHandleToUCL (ucl_object_type o) o

typedHandleToUCL :: UCL_TYPE -> UCLObjectHandle -> UCL
typedHandleToUCL UCL_OBJECT   obj = UCLMap $ uclObjectToMap obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_ARRAY    obj = UCLArray $ uclArrayToList obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_INT      obj = UCLInt $ fromIntegral $ ucl_object_toint obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_FLOAT    obj = UCLDouble $ realToFrac $ ucl_object_todouble obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_STRING   obj = UCLText $ unsafePerformIO $ peekCStringText $ ucl_object_tostring obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_BOOLEAN  obj = UCLBool $ ucl_object_toboolean obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_TIME     obj = UCLTime $ realToFrac $ ucl_object_todouble obj
foreignToUCL :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO UCL
foreignToUCL obj = do
  ty <- ucl_object_type obj
  typedHandleToUCL ty obj

typedHandleToUCL :: UCL_TYPE -> Ptr UCLObject -> IO UCL
typedHandleToUCL UCL_OBJECT   obj = UCLMap <$> uclObjectToMap obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_ARRAY    obj = UCLArray <$> uclArrayToList obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_INT      obj = UCLInt . fromIntegral <$> ucl_object_toint obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_FLOAT    obj = UCLDouble . realToFrac <$> ucl_object_todouble obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_STRING   obj = UCLText <$> (ucl_object_tostring obj >>= peekCStringText)
typedHandleToUCL UCL_BOOLEAN  obj = UCLBool <$> ucl_object_toboolean obj
typedHandleToUCL UCL_TIME     obj = UCLTime . realToFrac <$> ucl_object_todouble obj
-- TODO use Left instead of error
typedHandleToUCL UCL_USERDATA _   = error "Userdata object"
typedHandleToUCL UCL_NULL     _   = error "Null object"
typedHandleToUCL _            _   = error "Unknown Type"

uclObjectToMap :: UCLObjectHandle -> Map Text UCL
uclObjectToMap o = unsafePerformIO $ do
  iter <- ucl_object_iterate_new o
uclObjectToMap :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO (Map Text UCL)
uclObjectToMap o = do
  iter <- newIterator o
  go iter Map.empty
    go it m = do
      obj <- ucl_object_iterate_safe it True
      case ucl_object_type obj of
      -- NOTE: the reference count of the returned object is not increased,
      -- so we don't use ForeignPtr
      obj <- withForeignPtr it (`ucl_object_iterate_safe` True)
      ty <- ucl_object_type obj
      case ty of
        -- FIXME this is not how we check for end of object
        UCL_NULL -> pure m
        _        -> go it $ Map.insert (getUclKey obj) (handleToUCL obj) m
    getUclKey obj = unsafePerformIO $ peekCStringText $ ucl_object_key obj

uclArrayToList :: UCLObjectHandle -> [UCL]
uclArrayToList o = unsafePerformIO $ do
  iter <- ucl_object_iterate_new o
        _        -> do
                      k <- ucl_object_key obj >>= peekCStringText
                      v <- foreignToUCL obj
                      go it $ Map.insert k v m

uclArrayToList :: Ptr UCLObject -> IO [UCL]
uclArrayToList o = do
  iter <- newIterator o
  go iter
    go it = do
      obj <- ucl_object_iterate_safe it True
      case ucl_object_type obj of
      -- NOTE: the reference count of the returned object is not increased
      -- so we don't use ForeignPtr
      obj <- withForeignPtr it (`ucl_object_iterate_safe` True)
      ty <- ucl_object_type obj
      case ty of
        -- FIXME this is not how we check for end of object
        UCL_NULL -> pure []
        _        -> (handleToUCL obj :) <$> go it
        _        -> (:) <$> foreignToUCL obj <*> go it