
a9b78d078cce6d292016e4d0c035b07c71244133 — Francesco Gazzetta 3 years ago dad8f02
SSL/TLS, client cert pseudonyms
2 files changed, 67 insertions(+), 36 deletions(-)

M app/Main.hs
M gemini-textboard.cabal
M app/Main.hs => app/Main.hs +61 -32
@@ 15,6 15,7 @@ import Network.URI (parseRelativeReference)

import Data.Functor (($>))
import Data.Foldable (asum)
import Data.Traversable (for)
import Data.Maybe (fromJust)
import Data.List (intercalate)

@@ 29,6 30,9 @@ import System.Clock (TimeSpec(TimeSpec))
import Data.Time.Clock (UTCTime, getCurrentTime)
import Data.Time.Format (formatTime, defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
import qualified Crypto.Nonce as Nonce
import Data.ByteString.Base64.URL (encodeBase64Unpadded)
import OpenSSL.X509 (writeDerX509)
import Crypto.Hash.SHA256 (hashlazy)

data Context = Context

@@ 36,9 40,18 @@ data Context = Context
  , gen :: Nonce.Generator
  , cache :: Cache.Cache Text PostType }

type ThreadId = Int
type PostId = Int

data PostType = New | Reply ThreadId
data PostType = New | Reply PostId

data Post = Post
  { postId :: PostId
  , postContent :: Text
  , postAuthor :: Maybe Text
  , postTime :: UTCTime }

instance SQL.FromRow Post where
  fromRow = Post <$> SQL.field <*> SQL.field <*> SQL.field <*> SQL.field

type App = RouteT (ReaderT Context IO)

@@ 54,7 67,7 @@ main = do
  _ <- forkIO cleanNonceCache
  let ctx = Context conn nonceGen nonceCache
  runServer Nothing "1964" $ runRouteT' (`runReaderT` ctx) app
  runServer Nothing "1965" "cert.pem" $ runRouteT' (`runReaderT` ctx) app

-- DB stuff

@@ 63,55 76,58 @@ createTables :: SQL.Connection -> IO ()
createTables conn = do
  SQL.execute_ conn $ "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS posts " <>
    "parent INTEGER, content TEXT NOT NULL, time TEXT NOT NULL, " <>
    "parent INTEGER, content TEXT NOT NULL, author TEXT, time TEXT NOT NULL, " <>
    "FOREIGN KEY(parent) REFERENCES posts(id))"
  SQL.execute_ conn "CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS post_id_index ON posts (id)"
  SQL.execute_ conn "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS post_parent_index ON posts (parent)"
  SQL.execute_ conn "CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS post_time_index ON posts (time)"

getAllThreads :: App [(Int, Text, UTCTime, Maybe (Int, Text, UTCTime))]
getAllThreads :: App [(Post, Maybe Post)]
getAllThreads = do
  conn <- db <$> lift ask
  results <- liftIO $ SQL.query_ conn
    "SELECT p.id, p.content, p.time, r.id, r.content, r.time \
    "SELECT p.id, p.content, p.author, p.time, r.id, r.content, r.author, r.time \
    \  FROM\
    \    posts AS p\
    \    OUTER LEFT JOIN (SELECT *, max(time) FROM posts GROUP BY parent) AS r\
    \  ON p.id = r.parent\
    \  WHERE p.parent IS NULL\
    \  ORDER BY IFNULL(r.time, p.time) DESC"
  pure $ fmap groupLast results
  where groupLast (opId, opTxt, opTime, lastId, lastTxt, lastTime) =
          (opId, opTxt, opTime, (,,) <$> lastId <*> lastTxt <*> lastTime)
  pure $ fmap mkPosts results
  where mkPosts (opId, opTxt, opAuthor, opTime, lastId, lastTxt, lastAuthor, lastTime) =
          (Post opId opTxt opAuthor opTime, Post <$> lastId <*> lastTxt <*> Just lastAuthor <*> lastTime)

getThread :: ThreadId -> App (Maybe (Text, UTCTime))
getThread :: PostId -> App (Maybe Post)
getThread threadId = do
  conn <- db <$> lift ask
  liftIO $ headMaybe <$> SQL.query conn
    "SELECT content, time FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND parent IS NULL" (SQL.Only threadId)
    "SELECT id, content, author, time FROM posts WHERE id = ? AND parent IS NULL" (SQL.Only threadId)

getReplies :: ThreadId -> App [(Int, Text, UTCTime)]
getReplies :: PostId -> App [Post]
getReplies threadId = do
  conn <- db <$> lift ask
  liftIO $ SQL.query conn
    "SELECT id, content, time FROM posts WHERE parent = ?" (SQL.Only threadId)
    "SELECT id, content, author, time FROM posts WHERE parent = ?" (SQL.Only threadId)

insertThread :: String -> App ThreadId
insertThread :: String -> App PostId
insertThread content = do
  conn <- db <$> lift ask
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  author <- getAuthor
  liftIO $ SQL.execute conn
    "INSERT INTO posts (parent, content, time) VALUES (NULL,?,?)" (content, now)
    "INSERT INTO posts (parent, content, author, time) VALUES (NULL,?,?,?)"
    (content, author, now)
  fmap fromIntegral $ liftIO $ SQL.lastInsertRowId conn --TODO non thread safe?

insertReply :: ThreadId -> String -> App ()
insertReply :: PostId -> String -> App ()
insertReply threadId content = do
  conn <- db <$> lift ask
  now <- liftIO getCurrentTime
  author <- getAuthor
  liftIO $ SQL.execute conn
    "INSERT INTO posts (parent, content, time) VALUES (?,?,?)"
    (threadId, content, now)
    "INSERT INTO posts (parent, content, author, time) VALUES (?,?,?,?)"
    (threadId, content, author, now)

-- Nonce stuff

@@ 128,6 144,18 @@ validateNonce nonce = do
  ctx <- lift ask
  liftIO $ Cache.lookup (cache ctx) nonce

-- Obtaining an author id

getAuthor :: App (Maybe Text)
getAuthor = do
  maybeCert <- requestCert <$> getRequest
  for maybeCert $ \c -> do
    -- Huge hack, but it works reasonably well.
    -- Ideally one should only hash the pk parameters.
    der <- liftIO $ writeDerX509 c
    pure $ encodeBase64Unpadded $ hashlazy der

-- Handlers

@@ 149,43 177,45 @@ homepageHandler = do
    , LText ""
    ] <> intercalate [LText ""] (renderThread <$> threads)

renderThread :: ( ThreadId, T.Text, UTCTime
                , Maybe (Int, T.Text, UTCTime) ) -> GeminiDocument
renderThread (i, txt, t, lastReply) =
  renderOp (i, txt, t) <>
renderThread :: (Post, Maybe Post) -> GeminiDocument
renderThread (op, lastReply) =
  renderOp op <>
  [LText "⋮"] <>
  maybe [LText "No replies yet"] renderReply lastReply <>
  [LLink (LT.pack $ "/thread/" <> show i) $ Just "Go to thread"]
  [LLink (LT.pack $ "/thread/" <> show (postId op)) $ Just "Go to thread"]

threadHandler :: String -> App Response
threadHandler threadId' = do
  let threadId = read threadId' :: Int --TODO better parsing --TODO check existence
  Just (op, opTime) <- getThread threadId
  Just op <- getThread threadId
  replies <- getReplies threadId
  pure $ okGemini $ encodeUtf8 $ encodeGemini $
    [ LH1 "Gemini Textboard"
    , LLink "/" $ Just "Back to thread list"
    , LText ""
    ] <> renderOp (threadId, op, opTime) <> [LText ""] <>
    ] <> renderOp op <> [LText ""] <>
    intercalate [LText ""] (renderReply <$> replies) <>
    [LText "", LLink ("/thread/" <> LT.pack (show threadId) <> "/post") $ Just "New reply"]

renderOp :: (ThreadId, T.Text, UTCTime) -> GeminiDocument
renderOp (i, txt, t) =
renderOp :: Post -> GeminiDocument
renderOp (Post i txt author t) =
  [ LH2 $ "#" <> LT.pack (show i) <>
          " - Anonymous - " <> --TODO use client cert for "tripcode"
          " - " <> renderAuthor author <> " - " <>
          LT.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t)
  , LText $ LT.fromStrict txt

renderReply :: (Int, T.Text, UTCTime) -> GeminiDocument
renderReply (i, txt, t) =
renderReply :: Post -> GeminiDocument
renderReply (Post i txt author t) =
  [ LH3 $ "#" <> LT.pack (show i) <>
          " - Anonymous - " <> --TODO use client cert for "tripcode"
          " - " <> renderAuthor author <> " - " <>
          LT.pack (formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t)
  , LText $ LT.fromStrict txt

renderAuthor :: Maybe Text -> LT.Text
renderAuthor = maybe "Anonymous" LT.fromStrict

threadPostRedirectHandler :: String -> App Response
threadPostRedirectHandler threadId' = do
  let threadId = read threadId' --TODO better parsing --TODO check existence

@@ 211,4 241,3 @@ postHandler nonce content = do
headMaybe :: [a] -> Maybe a
headMaybe (a:_) = Just a
headMaybe []    = Nothing

M gemini-textboard.cabal => gemini-textboard.cabal +6 -4
@@ 22,8 22,8 @@ executable gemini-textboard
  main-is:             Main.hs
  other-extensions:    OverloadedStrings
  build-depends:       base ^>= || ^>= || ^>=
                     , gemini-server ^>=
                     , gemini-router ^>=
                     , gemini-server ^>=
                     , gemini-router ^>=
                     , language-gemini ^>=
                     , nonce ^>=1.0.7
                     , cache ^>=

@@ 33,7 33,9 @@ executable gemini-textboard
                     , time ^>=1.9.3 || ^>=1.10
                     , network-uri ^>= || ^>=
                     , transformers ^>=
                     , cryptohash-sha256 ^>=0.11.102
                     , base64 ^>=0.4.2
                     , HsOpenSSL ^>=
  hs-source-dirs:      app
  ghc-options:         -Wall
  ghc-options:         -Wall -threaded
  default-language:    Haskell2010