:sparkles: Add oh_my emote
:sparkles: Blobcat snuggle, and blobamber+blobstella snuggles
- fix the arctic fox ears (make them smaller)
- fix the blobcat snuggle when the cat is on the left (whisker is being clipped)
- give a bit of loading feedback on the snuggles script
:sparkles: snuggle_right for arctic fox and husky, heart in snuggle, coffee
:sparkles: New output directory format and glob for snuggle emotes
:sparkles: New blobhusky [wip], crowbar emote
:sparkles: Working snuggle generator
:fire: Snuggle generator [WIP]
:sparkles: Arctic fox (needs set-stroke), fix comfy, add sleep
:sparkles: comfy emotes (also swapped the order of the ears/fluff)
:bug: Make blobfox hands parametrized
:fire: Propagate resolution changes to species/ and increase MARGIN
:fire: Convert all SVGs to 128x128 viewBox
:bug: Fix stella not having ear filling