
My Nix configuration (ft flakes!)
Add more packages to pytorch devshell
Update flake.lock
Update flake.lock


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#Nix Configs

#CI Status

These are my unified Nix configs. Home manager and NixOS are kept separate (home manager is not a NixOS module).

Here's how it's set up:

  • home

    This directory contains anything that is user-specific config (config that does not require administrative privileges to apply). In this directory, there are a few subfolders:

    • common: configuration that can be shared by different users and machines
    • homes: machine/user-specific configuration
    • modules: custom home-manager modules
  • nixos

    This directory contains any configuration that requires administrative privileges to apply. Much like the home configuration, this is split into common and machine-specific configuration.

  • pkgs

    Custom packages. This is called through the overlays.

  • overlays

    nixpkgs overlays. Calls pkgs.

  • shells

    Custom devshells. Called with nix develop .#devShells.x86_64-linux.whatever