Specify keysigning policy
1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) M pages/01.home/default.en.md
M pages/01.home/default.en.md => pages/01.home/default.en.md +1 -1
@@ 25,7 25,7 @@ You can find me on the internet in other places too! --- [My PGP key](pgp-key.txt): `05D3 E019 2231 9A75 86B4 B8D5 023F F4C1 A9D6 BAFD`. [My PGP key](pgp-key.txt) ([keysigning policy](https://rfc.ersei.net/rfcs/2.html)): `05D3 E019 2231 9A75 86B4 B8D5 023F F4C1 A9D6 BAFD`. This site was made with [Grav](https://getgrav.org/). I recommend giving it a shot.