
Static trekking site generator from GPX tracks
Small fix to theme doc
Add GPSPoint type for starting_point


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You can also use your local clone with git send-email.

#Trekking blog static site generator


# List of folders to search for gpx files and images
sources: []

# Path to theme
# if not set the default one is used
# if used, the default one is set as fallback

# Site title
title: Trek

# Site base URL
# if not set, all links are relative
baseurl: ""

# Path to output folder
output: output

# Path to build folder
build: _build

# Image extensions to look for
image_exts: [jpg", "jpeg"]

# List of file patterns to ignore
ignore: []

String values can refer to env vars as ${NAME}.

It is supported to load env from an .env file in current folder or one of it's parent.

It is supported to load ignore pattern from .gitignore and/or .pytrekignore file in current folder or one of it's parent. If found, pattern are added to one defined in config.

#Command line

usage: pytrek [-h] [-c CONFIG] [-t SITE_TITLE] [-u URL] [-i [IGNORE ...]] [-C] [-b BUILD_DIR] [-B] [-o OUTPUT] [-v] [source ...]

Static trekking blog generator

positional arguments:
  source                Source path(s)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
  -t SITE_TITLE, --site-title SITE_TITLE
                        Site title
  -u URL, --url URL     Site baseurl
  -i [IGNORE ...], --ignore [IGNORE ...]
                        File patterns to ignore
  -C, --clean           Clean output folder before building
  -b BUILD_DIR, --build-dir BUILD_DIR
                        Build dir
  -B, --clean-build-dir
                        Clean build dir before building. Implies '--clean'
  -o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
                        Output dir
  -v, --verbose

Options on command line overwrite options from config file, except --ignore where pattern are added to one already defined.


PyTrek supports user-defined themes.

See docs/theming.md for techincal info.