
Pseudo-CSS to SVG "compiler"
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#Pseudo-CSS to SVG "compiler"

inspired by https://yuanchuan.dev/experimenting-a-new-syntax-to-write-svg


psc.py <infile> [outfile]


Syntax is like CSS:

tagname {
    attribute: value;

tags can be nested

svg {
    circle {
        cx: 2;
        cy: 2;
        r: 1;

ID and class names are defined like a css selector:

svg {
    rect.alert.warning {
        x: 0;
        y: 0;
        width 100%;
        height: 100%;
    circle#logo {
        cx: 2;
        cy: 2;
        r: 1;

attributes with equal values can be "grouped":

svg {
    width, height: 10cm;

text content is set using content attribute:

svg {
    text {
        content: Hello, world;

attribute values can be wrapped in quotes:

svg {
    text {
        content: "Hello; world";

an attibute can have no value, the example above without quotes would results in:

svg {
    text {
        content: Hello; world;
    <text world>Hello</text>

multiple tags with same attributes can be created:

svg {
    rect#r1, rect#r2 {
        x, y: 10;
        width, height: 5;

(I don't know how this could be usefull, but it is supported)

Namespaces are supported using CSS @namespace syntax

@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/2000/svg);
@namespace xlink url(http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink);

svg {
    use {
        xlink|href: "#something";

default xml namespace is set to "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" if not defined in file.

PSC supports multiline block comments /* .. */ and inline comments // ...

// an inline comment is valid until the end of the line

    a block comment can be multiline and it's valid until closed

svg {
    rect {
        x: 0 // an inline comment can be last thing on the line
        // y: 0
        /* a block line can be everywhere */ y: 10

    text {
        content: hello /* except inside an attribute value. */ world;
        // this doesn't work, attribute value is ended by the comment 


As there aren't any features specific to SVG generation except the default namespace, if not set, PSC can generate any XML from a source file.

// An atom feed
@namespace url(http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom)

feed {
    title { content: My blog atom feed }

    entry {
        title { content: Hello world again }
        id { content: 2 }
        link { href: "https://blog.example.com/post/2" }

        entry {
        title { content: Hello world! }
        id { content: 1 }
        link { href: "https://blog.example.com/post/1" }
<feed xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom">
  <title>My blog atom feed</title>
    <title>Hello world again</title>
    <link href="https://blog.example.com/post/2"/>
    <title>Hello world!</title>
    <link href="https://blog.example.com/post/1"/>
Do not follow this link