Updates to increase accessibility.
Add proper image attribution for new article.
Update theme to fix fonts.
Site: https://thetaliaferrotimes.org
Backup Site: https://taliaferro.tk
This is the site repository for The Taliaferro Times, the official newspaper and creative writing club of Booker T. Washington High School. All of the source code for the site is within this repository and its submodules.
We use Hugo, a static site generator, to generate a complete static site from HTML/Go template files and content files written in Markdown. Our site is powered by Netlify.
See COPYING for information on how you can use our content and code. See MANUAL.md for an introduction to the format and code of the site.
See MANUAL.md for an overview of how the website works. See each file in the repository for in-line documentation on the purpose of the file and each item within.
What else does hosting on GitLab/SourceHut mean?
If the newspaper were to lose funding or access to a dedicated provider, it would be a simple matter of setting up GitLab Pages on the repository. Also, the entire site and its generation technique can be easily ported from system to system, site to site, provider to provider.
We use something similar to the Semantic Versioning System: MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH
File issues at https://todo.sr.ht/~exprez135/Taliaferro.
Read our About page and our Code of Conduct.
See COPYING.txt. Summary:
Code: by various authors; all MIT license except DarkReader.js (Apache License 2.0)
Written Content: by the various contributors to The Taliaferro Times; CC BY-SA 4.0
Fonts: SIL OFL 1.1 except Charter fonts (custom Bitsream Inc. license)
Icons & Images: by FontAwesome and various photographers; CC BY 4.0 (Unsplash) & CC BY-SA 4.0 (newspaper photographers)