
77788cf30f6a7c356bdd6795e25f0ad2f1826755 — Evilham 1 year, 1 month ago ad44c13
forgejo_ldap: support FreeBSD

while there improve the type docs.
M type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/explorer/auth => type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/explorer/auth +3 -1
@@ 1,7 1,9 @@
#!/bin/sh -eu


USER="$(cat "${__object}/parameter/user")"
AUTH="$(su - ${USER} -c "forgejo -c /etc/forgejo.conf admin auth list" | grep ldap | cut -f1|| true)"
AUTH="$(su - ${USER} -c "forgejo -c '${ETC_DIR}/forgejo.conf' admin auth list" | grep ldap | cut -f1|| true)"

echo "${AUTH}"

M type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/gencode-remote => type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/gencode-remote +4 -2
@@ 14,17 14,19 @@ PORT="$(cat "${__object}/parameter/port")"
USER_FILTER="$(cat "${__object}/parameter/user-filter")"
CUSTOM_ARGS="$(cat "${__object}/parameter/custom-args" || true)"


if [ -z "${AUTH_STATE}" ]; 
       		#Configuration doesn't exists	
		echo "su - ${USER} -c \"forgejo -c /etc/forgejo.conf admin auth add-ldap --name '${NAME}'\
		echo "su - ${USER} -c \"forgejo -c '${ETC_DIR}/forgejo.conf' admin auth add-ldap --name '${NAME}'\
		       	--email-attribute  '${EMAIL}' --security-protocol '${SECURITY_PROTOCOL}'\
		       	--user-search-base '${USER_SEARCH_BASE}' --host '${HOST}' --port '${PORT}'\
		       	--user-filter '${USER_FILTER}' ${CUSTOM_ARGS} \"" 
		if grep -qs "^__file/var/lib/forgejo/secret/ldap.conf" "$__messages_in" ; then
			cat <<-DONE
			su - ${USER} -c "forgejo -c /etc/forgejo.conf admin auth update-ldap --name '${NAME}'\
			su - ${USER} -c "forgejo -c '${ETC_DIR}/forgejo.conf' admin auth update-ldap --name '${NAME}'\
		       	--email-attribute  '${EMAIL}' --security-protocol '${SECURITY_PROTOCOL}'\
		       	--user-search-base '${USER_SEARCH_BASE}' --host '${HOST}' --port '${PORT}'\
			--user-filter '${USER_FILTER}' ${CUSTOM_ARGS} --id '${AUTH_STATE}'"

M type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/man.rst => type/__evilham_forgejo_ldap/man.rst +2 -1
@@ 32,7 32,8 @@ port
    Port that forgejo will use to connect with ldap.

    Name of the secutiry protocol to use in the authentication service.
    Name of the security protocol to use in the authentication service.
    One of: `Unencrypted`, `LDAPS` or `StartTLS`.

    LDAP filter to specify user attributes to look for when authenticating.