
CHICKEN client library and CLI for the sr.ht REST API
Roll sr.ht build secrets
Update niv sources and allow building with custom nixpkgs collection
Allow empty content for commands that read from standard input



You can also use your local clone with git send-email.


Command line interface and CHICKEN Scheme client library for sourcehut.



#CHICKEN Scheme Extension Library

Use your distribution's package manager to install CHICKEN 5.2 or newer, then run:

chicken-install -s sourcehut

This will install the CHICKEN Scheme extension libraries, as well as the CLI program, under $CHICKEN_INSTALL_PREFIX/bin/sourcehut.

On some platforms you may be required to install the OpenSSL development libraries first.

#Command Line Interface

#Prebuilt Binaries

If you just want to use the CLI program without installing CHICKEN first, you can download prebuilt binaries for some common platforms here.


To build and install the package using Nix, you can run:

nix-env -i -f https://git.sr.ht/~evhan/chicken-sourcehut/archive/master.tar.gz


#Using the CHICKEN Scheme Extension Library

Create a new job on builds.sr.ht and fetch information about it:

(import (sourcehut)
        (sourcehut builds))

(access-token "your-access-token-goes-here")

(create (job manifest: "xyz"))
; => ((#:service "builds" #:path "/api/jobs")
;     (id . 1234))

(retrieve (job 1234))
; => ((#:service "builds" #:path "/api/jobs/1234")
;     (id . 1234)
;     (status . "running")
;     (setup_log ...)
;     (tasks . #(...))
;     (runner ...))

(retrieve (manifest 1234))
; => "xyz"

#Using the Command Line Interface

As above, but using the sourcehut CLI program.

$ export SOURCEHUT_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN="your-access-token-goes-here"

$ sourcehut create job --manifest build.yaml --note "Example build"
((id . 1234))

$ sourcehut get job 1234
((id . 1234)
 (status . "running")
 (setup_log ...)
 (tasks . #(...))
 (runner ...))

$ sourcehut get job 1234 -o json | jq
  "id": 1234,
  "status": "running",
  "setup_log": ...,
  "tasks": [...],
  "note": "Example build",
  "runner": ...

#Using the CLI in a Build Manifest

To use the CLI within a Linux-based build manifest, you'll need to create a secret file containing an access token, add it to your job configuration, and set SOURCEHUT_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN to that file path. Then, you can download and run the sourcehut binary in your build tasks without exposing the token. For example:

image: alpine/latest
  - wget
  - jq
  # add a secret containing a personal access token in /home/build/.token
  - 43b6093b-85f0-4a19-97c9-9758a447e5fa
  # specify the path to the access token
  SOURCEHUT_CLI_ACCESS_TOKEN: /home/build/.token
  # install the program
  - setup: |
      sudo wget -qO /usr/bin/sourcehut https://foldling.org/sourcehut/sourcehut-x86_64-linux
      sudo chmod +x /usr/bin/sourcehut
  # use the program
  - usage: |
      sourcehut get jobs -n1 | jq


Full API documentation for the Scheme library is available on wiki.call-cc.org and api.call-cc.org.

For CLI documentation, refer to the program's man page. This is available online here, in Markdown format here, or via the sourcehut help command once the program is installed. You can also view the latest version in your terminal without installing the program first by running:

wget -qO- https://git.sr.ht/~evhan/chicken-sourcehut/blob/master/sourcehut.1 | man /dev/stdin


To build the software locally:

chicken-install -no-install

To build the man page as roff(7) or HTML:

pandoc -s -i sourcehut.1.md -o sourcehut.1
pandoc -s -i sourcehut.1.md -o sourcehut.html --toc --section-divs --css https://foldling.org/html/files/css/main.css

Nix users can use nix-shell to pull in dependencies for local development, or run nix-build to produce a packaged version of the CLI application. The output will be linked from ./result and can be called via ./result/bin/sourcehut.


Three-clause BSD. See LICENSE for details.