Add lint rule for "if-begin" (rather than using `cond')
Print all warnings for multiple issues of same type on same line
Improve quoted constant detection
Avoid warnings for problems originating outside the current source file
Allow chicken-install flags to be passed to load-system
Use "rev" variable in Niv example
Allow chicken-lock output to be redirected with "-output-file" flag
Drop unnecessary minimum dependency versions in egg file
Allow chicken-install to try remote sources if not found in local paths
Expose beaker egg via Nix attribute
Make egg-file argument to load-system optional
Allow passing specific paths to chicken-clean
Add flake example to documentation
Small documentation updates for Nix helpers
Avoid file collisions among eggPrograms that use the same eggs
Add example chicken-lock commands to Nix helper documentation
Add examples of linking to external libraries with Nix helpers