M Makefile => Makefile +1 -0
@@ 13,6 13,7 @@ lint:
check: lint $(PACKAGE)
./$(PACKAGE) lisp/giga.eshellisp 2>&1 | grep -q 1073741824
+ ./$(PACKAGE) lisp/fib.eshellisp 2>&1 | grep -q 7896325826131730509282738943634332893686268675876375
$(PROLOG) --undefined=error -O -o eshellisp -c prolog/$(PACKAGE)/main.pl
A lisp/fib.eshellisp => lisp/fib.eshellisp +7 -0
@@ 0,0 1,7 @@
+(define fib (n)
+ (if (<= n 1) 0 (fib1 0 1 1 n)))
+(define fib1 (f1 f2 i to)
+ (if (<= to i) f2 (fib1 f2 (+ f1 f2) (+ i 1) to)))
+(fib 250)<
\ No newline at end of file