A .Rbuildignore => .Rbuildignore +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
M ChangeLog => ChangeLog +10 -6
@@ 1,11 1,15 @@
+2020-03-28 Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
+ * vignettes/neighbours.Rnw: add vignette
2019-12-12 Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
- * R/neighbourfun.R (neighbourfun,random_vector):
- rename argument 'n' => 'length'
- (random_vector): argument 'n' now stands for the
- number of random vectors to draw; the vectors will
- be the columns of a matrix of dimension 'length'
- times 'n'
+ * R/neighbourfun.R (neighbourfun,random_vector):
+ rename argument 'n' => 'length'
+ (random_vector): argument 'n' now stands for the
+ number of random vectors to draw; the vectors will
+ be the columns of a matrix of dimension 'length'
+ times 'n'
2019-11-14 Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@ Package: neighbours
Type: Package
Title: Neighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms
Version: 0.1-0
-Date: 2019-12-16
+Date: 2020-03-28
Maintainer: Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
Authors@R: person(given = "Enrico", family = "Schumann",
role = c("aut", "cre"),
@@ 23,6 23,6 @@ Description: Neighbourhood functions are key components
helper functions for creating random initial solutions and
for comparing solutions.
License: GPL-3
-URL: http://enricoschumann.net/neighbours/,
+URL: http://enricoschumann.net/R/neighbours/,
Suggests: NMOF, tinytest
M R/neighbourfun.R => R/neighbourfun.R +46 -26
@@ 125,40 125,56 @@ neighbourfun <- function(min = 0,
if (type == "logical") {
if (missing(stepsize))
- stepsize <- 1
+ stepsize <- 1L
+ .body <- quote({
+ i <- sample.int(length, stepsize)
+ x[i] <- !x[i]
+ x
+ })
if (is.null(kmin) && is.null(kmax)) {
- ## no constraints on number of TRUE values
- if (!is.null(length)) {
+ if (is.null(length)) {
+ .body[[2]] <- .sub(.body[[2]],
+ list(length = quote(length(x)),
+ stepsize = stepsize))
+ } else if (!isTRUE(active)) {
+ .body[[2]] <- .sub(.body[[2]],
+ list(length = sum(active)))
+ .body <- .sub(.body,
+ list(x = quote(x[active])))
+ }
+ ans <- function(x, ...) {}
+ body(ans) <- .body
+ return(ans)
- function(x, ...) {
- i <- sample.int(length, stepsize)
- x[i] <- !x[i]
- x
- }
- } else {
+ } else if (!is.null(kmin) && !is.null(kmax) && kmin == kmax) {
+ ## logical with constant number of TRUE values
+ if (!is.null(active)) {
function(x, ...) {
- i <- sample.int(length(x), stepsize)
- x[i] <- !x[i]
+ xx <- x[active]
+ true <- which( xx)
+ false <- which(!xx)
+ xx[true [sample.int(length( true), size = stepsize)]] <- FALSE
+ xx[false[sample.int(length(false), size = stepsize)]] <- TRUE
+ x[active] <- xx
- }
- } else if (!is.null(kmin) && !is.null(kmax) && kmin == kmax) {
- ## logical with constant number of TRUE values
- function(x, ...) {
- true <- which( x)
- false <- which(!x)
- x[true [sample.int(length( true), size = stepsize)]] <- FALSE
- x[false[sample.int(length(false), size = stepsize)]] <- TRUE
- x
+ } else {
+ function(x, ...) {
+ true <- which( x)
+ false <- which(!x)
+ x[true [sample.int(length( true), size = stepsize)]] <- FALSE
+ x[false[sample.int(length(false), size = stepsize)]] <- TRUE
+ x
+ }
} else if (!is.null(kmin) && !is.null(kmax) && kmin < kmax) {
@@ 242,7 258,7 @@ random_vector <- function(length,
max = 1,
kmin = NULL,
kmax = NULL,
- sum = TRUE,
+ sum = NULL,
type = "numeric",
n = 1,
...) {
@@ 276,14 292,18 @@ random_vector <- function(length,
stopifnot(min <= max)
if (is.null(kmin) && is.null(kmax)) {
- ans <- runif(length*n, min=min, max=max)
- dim(ans) <- c(length, n)
+ if (n == 1) {
+ ans <- runif(length, min = min, max = max)
+ } else {
+ ans <- runif(length*n, min = min, max = max)
+ dim(ans) <- c(length, n)
+ }
} else {
if (is.null(kmin))
kmin <- 0
if (is.null(kmax))
kmax <- length
- ans <- runif(length*n, min=min, max=max)
+ ans <- runif(length*n, min = min, max = max)
dim(ans) <- c(length, n)
for (j in seq_len(n)) {
if (kmin == kmax)
M man/neighbourfun.Rd => man/neighbourfun.Rd +8 -9
@@ 22,14 22,12 @@ neighborfun (min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
A = NULL, ...)
- \item{min}{
- a numeric vector
+ \item{min}{a numeric vector
- \item{max}{
- a numeric vector
+ \item{max}{a numeric vector
- \item{kmin}{
- a numeric vector
+ \item{kmin}{%
+ integer
a numeric vector
@@ 59,7 57,6 @@ neighborfun (min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
which case the matrix \code{A} be specified. See
a numeric matrix
@@ 100,8 97,10 @@ neighborfun (min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
Maintainer: Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
- \code{\link[NMOF]{TAopt}}
+ implementations of algorithms of the local-search family, such as
+ Simulated Annealing (\code{\link[NMOF]{SAopt}} in \pkg{NMOF}) or
+ Threshold Accepting (\code{\link[NMOF]{TAopt}} in \pkg{NMOF})
## a LOGICAL neighbourhood
M man/random_vector.Rd => man/random_vector.Rd +37 -17
@@ 8,32 8,32 @@
random_vector(length, min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
- sum = TRUE, type = "numeric", n = 1L, ...)
+ sum = NULL, type = "numeric", n = 1L, ...)
- \item{length}{
- numeric
+ \item{length}{%
+ integer
- \item{min}{
- numeric
+ \item{min}{%
+ numeric: either a single number of a vector of length \code{length}
- \item{max}{
- numeric
+ \item{max}{%
+ numeric: either a single number of a vector of length \code{length}
- \item{kmin}{
+ \item{kmin}{%
- \item{kmax}{
+ \item{kmax}{%
- \item{sum}{
- numeric
+ \item{sum}{%
+ numeric. \bold{Not yet supported.}
a string: \code{"numeric"} or \code{"logical"}
- numeric
+ integer: how many vectors to create
other arguments
@@ 41,7 41,8 @@ random_vector(length, min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
- Highly experimental.
+ The function creates random vectors, typically as initial solutions
+ for optimization and search algorithms
@@ 50,9 51,13 @@ random_vector(length, min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
\code{\link{dim}} attribute (i.e. a matrix)
-%% \references{
-%% %% ~put references to the literature/web site here ~
-%% }
+ Gilli, M. and Schumann, E. (2010) A note on 'good starting values'
+ in numerical optimisation, \acronym{COMISEF} Working Paper Series No. 044.
+ \url{https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=1620083}
Enrico Schumann
@@ 60,5 65,20 @@ random_vector(length, min = 0, max = 1, kmin = NULL, kmax = NULL,
+random_vector(type = "logical", length = 5)
+random_vector(type = "logical", length = 5, n = 3, kmin = 4)
+## [,1] [,2] [,3]
+x <- random_vector(type = "numeric", length = 3, sum = 2, n = 4)
+## [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4]
+## [1,] 0.2063878 0.6055332 0.1314114 0.2272488
+## [2,] 0.1741989 0.8975089 0.1630611 0.5474513
+## [3,] 0.9440980 0.8658824 0.7872635 0.9836578
A => +1 -0
@@ 0,0 1,1 @@
A vignettes/neighbours.Rnw => vignettes/neighbours.Rnw +112 -0
@@ 0,0 1,112 @@
+%% \VignetteIndexEntry{Neighbourhood functions}
+\usepackage[left = 3cm, top = 2cm, bottom = 2cm, right = 4cm]{geometry}
+ xleftmargin=0em, formatcom=\color{grau2},rulecolor=\color{grau7}}
+\SweaveOpts{keep.source = TRUE, eps = TRUE}
+options(continue = " ", digits = 3, width = 60, useFancyQuotes = FALSE)
+pv <- packageVersion("neighbours")
+pv <- gsub("(.*)[.](.*)", "\\1-\\2", pv)
+\author{Enrico Schumann\\\url{es@enricoschumann.net}}
+{\raggedright{\LARGE Neighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms\par}}\hspace*{\fill}
+{\footnotesize Package version \Sexpr{pv}}\medskip
+\noindent Enrico Schumann\\
+\noindent \url{es@enricoschumann.net}\\
+\section*{Selecting elements of a list}
+LSopt. <- function(OF, algo = list(), ...) {
+ xc <- algo$x0
+ xcF <- OF(xc, ...)
+ for (s in seq_len(algo$nS)) {
+ xn <- algo$neighbour(xc, ...)
+ xnF <- OF(xn, ...)
+ if (xnF <= xcF) {
+ xc <- xn
+ xcF <- xnF
+ }
+ }
+ list(xbest = xc, OFvalue = xcF)
+## a LOGICAL neighbourhood
+x <- logical(8)
+x[1:3] <- TRUE
+N <- neighbourfun(type = "logical", kmin = 3, kmax = 3)
+cat(ifelse(x, "o", "."), " | initial solution ", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
+for (i in 1:10) {
+ x <- N(x)
+ cat(ifelse(x, "o", "."), sep = "", fill = TRUE)
+We can add a constraint about elements not to
+touch. Suppose the initial solution is the following:
+x <- logical(9)
+x[4:6] <- TRUE
+cat(ifelse(x, "o", "."), sep = "")
+Now we restrict the changes that can be made to the
+solution: only elements 3, 4, 6 and 7 may vary. (They
+are \texttt{active}.)
+active <- !logical(length(x))
+active[c(1:2, 5, 8:9)] <- FALSE
+Let us try a few iterations.
+N <- neighbourfun(type = "logical", kmin = 3, kmax = 3,
+ active = active)
+for (i in 1:20) {
+ if (i == 1L)
+ cat(ifelse(x, "o", "."), " | initial solution ", sep = "", fill = TRUE)
+ x <- N(x)
+ cat(ifelse(x, "o", "."), sep = "", fill = TRUE)
A vignettes/neighbours.bib => vignettes/neighbours.bib +24 -0
@@ 0,0 1,24 @@
+ title = {Numerical Methods and Optimization in Finance},
+ publisher = {Elsevier/Academic Press},
+ year = 2019,
+ author = {Gilli, Manfred and Maringer, Dietmar and Schumann, Enrico},
+ edition = {2nd},
+ url = {http://enricoschumann.net/NMOF}
+ author = {Manfred Gilli and Enrico Schumann},
+ title = {{A Note on `Good Starting Values' in Numerical Optimisation}},
+ journal = {COMISEF Working Paper Series No. 44},
+ year = 2010,
+ note = {available from \url{http://comisef.eu/?q=working_papers}}
+ title = {Optimization Heuristics in Econometrics:
+ Applications of {T}hreshold {A}ccepting},
+ publisher = {Wiley},
+ year = 2001,
+ author = {Peter Winker}