
59c40e7c7a353521616f420a5119abc50eec523e — Enrico Schumann 2 years ago 1d3dbda
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M vignettes/neighbours.Rnw
@@ 2,7 2,7 @@ Package: neighbours
Type: Package
Title: Neighbourhood Functions for Local-Search Algorithms
Version: 0.1-0
Date: 2022-08-11
Date: 2022-08-15
Maintainer: Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
Authors@R: person(given = "Enrico", family = "Schumann",
                  role  = c("aut", "cre"),

M vignettes/neighbours.Rnw => vignettes/neighbours.Rnw +29 -24
@@ 7,6 7,7 @@

@@ 83,14 84,14 @@ LSopt <- if (requireNamespace("NMOF")) {

\section*{Example: Selecting elements of a list}

\noindent We are given a numeric vector~$y$, and also a
\noindent We are given a numeric vector~$y$ and also a
matrix~$X$, which has as many rows as~$y$ has elements.
The aim now is to find a subset of columns of~$X$ whose
average is as lowly correlated with $y$ as possible.
Let us create random data.

ny <- 50     ## length of y
ny <- 50     ## length of y, number of rows of X
nx <- 500    ## number of columns of X
y <- runif(ny)
X <- array(runif(ny * nx), dim = c(ny, nx))

@@ 99,7 100,7 @@ X <- array(runif(ny * nx), dim = c(ny, nx))
\noindent We'll try a (stochastic) Local Search to compute a
solution.  There may be other, perhaps better
heuristics for the job.  But a Local Search will
compute a good solution (as we will see), and it is
compute a good solution, as we will see; and it is
simple, which is a good idea for an example.  See
\citet[Chapter~13]{Gilli2019} for a tutorial on Local

@@ 144,9 145,9 @@ nb <- neighbourfun(type = "logical", kmin = 10, kmax = 20)
\noindent It remains to run the Local Search.
sol.ls <- LSopt(column_cor,
                list(x0 = x0,
                     neighbour = nb,
                     nI = 3000,
                list(neighbour = nb,
                     x0 = x0,      ## initial solution
                     nI = 3000,    ## number of iterations
                     printBar = FALSE),
                X = X, y = y)

@@ 160,7 161,7 @@ And we check the constraints: how many columns are in the solution?

We can also visualise the initial and the final
We can visualise the initial and the final
solution.  The negative correlation is clearly visible.

<<fig=true, width = 5, height = 3.2>>=

@@ 237,17 238,17 @@ do.call(compare_vectors, xs)

\section*{Another example: minimising portfolio risk}

Suppose we are given a matrix $R$ and aim to
find a vector $x$ such that the variance of the
elements in the product~$Rx$ is minimised.  This is
common problem in finance, in which $R$ could be a
matrix of asset-price returns, with each column holding
the returns of one asset, and $x$ a vector of portfolio
Suppose we are given a matrix $R$ and aim to find a
vector $x$ such that the variance of the elements in
the product~$Rx$ is minimised.  This is a common
problem in finance, in which $R$ could be a matrix of
asset-price returns, with each column holding the
returns of one asset, and $x$ a vector of portfolio

We'll solve this problem, as in the previous example,
with Local Search.  Our solution now is a numeric
vector~$x$; and again we need two functions -- the objective
with Local Search.  The solution now is a numeric
vector~$x$.  Again we need two functions -- the objective
function and the neighbourhood function -- to find the
optimal (or at least a good) vector.

@@ 301,7 302,8 @@ elements remains unchanged.  (That is a typical
restriction in portfolio-selection models.)

nb <- neighbourfun(type = "numeric", min = 0, max = 0.2,
nb <- neighbourfun(type = "numeric",
                   min = 0, max = 0.2,
                   stepsize = 0.005)

@@ 344,7 346,7 @@ example is the so-called semi-variance, defined as

  \frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^N \min(R_ix - m, 0)^2
  \frac{1}{m}\sum_{i=1}^m \min(R_ix - \frac{1}{m}\iota'(Rx), 0)^2

All we have to do now is to exchange objective functions,

@@ 372,11 374,11 @@ can update the product and save computing time (the longer
$x$ is, the more time we can save).

Let $x^{\mathrm{c}}$ denote the current solution and
$x^{\mathrm{n}}$ the neighbour solution. This latter
solution is produced by adding element-wise the vector
$x^{\Delta}$ to $x^{\mathrm{c}}$. If only few elements
change, the n $x^{\Delta}$ will be relatively sparse,
i.e. many of its elements are zero.
$x^{\mathrm{n}}$ the neighbour solution, produced by
adding element-wise the vector $x^{\Delta}$ to
$x^{\mathrm{c}}$. If only few elements change, then
$x^{\Delta}$ will be relatively sparse, i.e. many of
its elements are zero.

   x^{\mathrm{n}} = \phantom{A(}x^{\mathrm{c}} + x^{\Delta}\,.

@@ 386,8 388,11 @@ Then we have:
  Ax^{\mathrm{n}} = A(x^{\mathrm{c}} + x^{\Delta}) =
  \underbrace{\ \ Ax^{\mathrm{c}}\ \ }_{\text{known}} + Ax^{\Delta}\,.
So we only need to compute $Ax^{\Delta}$ in every iteration,
not the full $Ax$.

So we only need to compute $Ax^{\Delta}$ in every
iteration, in which many columns of $A$ are ignored
because the corresponding elements of~ $x^{\Delta}$
are zero.

Let us solve the risk-minimisation model one more time.
First, we add the initial product $Ax$ as an attribute to