
607ce810e6d824251b1cd5cdba34d2a30f5228ca — Enrico Schumann 1 year, 2 days ago 5fe53c8
Add functions that work for both tables and datasets
5 files changed, 514 insertions(+), 141 deletions(-)

M R/functions.R
M man/SNBdata.Rd
@@ 1,21 1,21 @@
Package: SNBdata
Type: Package
Title: Download Data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB)
Version: 0.1.0
Date: 2023-08-31
Version: 0.2.0
Date: 2023-09-15
Maintainer: Enrico Schumann <es@enricoschumann.net>
Authors@R: person("Enrico", "Schumann",
                  role  = c("aut", "cre"),
                  email = "es@enricoschumann.net",
                  comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0001-7601-6576"))
Description: Functions for downloading data from the Swiss
    National Bank (SNB; <https://www.snb.ch/>), the
    Swiss central bank.  The package is lightweight and
    comes with few dependencies; suggested packages are
    used only if data is to be transformed into
    particular data structures, for instance into 'zoo'
    objects. Downloaded data can optionally be cached,
    to avoid repeated downloads of the same files.
Description: Functions for downloading data (tables and
     datasets) from the Swiss National Bank (SNB;
     <https://www.snb.ch/>), the Swiss central bank.  The
     package is lightweight and comes with few dependencies;
     suggested packages are used only if data is to be
     transformed into particular data structures, for instance
     into 'zoo' objects.  Downloaded data can optionally be
     cached, to avoid repeated downloads of the same files.
Suggests: jsonlite, zoo
License: GPL-3
URL: http://enricoschumann.net/R/packages/SNBdata/ ,

@@ 1,6 1,7 @@
importFrom("utils", "askYesNo", "download.file", "read.table", "unzip")
           "askYesNo", "download.file", "read.table", "unzip")

M NEWS => NEWS +8 -0
@@ 1,3 1,11 @@
v0.2.0  (2023-09-15; not released yet)

  o New functions "fetch_data", "fetch_last_update" and
    "fetch_info", which replace the previous functions
    that worked for only tables or datasets.

  o ....

v0.1.0  (2023-08-31)

  o Initial version: Allows to download tables from the

M R/functions.R => R/functions.R +456 -100
@@ 1,37 1,36 @@
fetch_table_date <- function(table = "rendoblid",
                             dest.dir = NULL,
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             language = "en", ...) {
fetch_data <- function(id,
                       type = "table",
                       dest.dir = NULL,
                       return.class = NULL,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       language = "en",
                       name.sep = " :: ",
                       na.drop = TRUE,
                       do.timeseries = FALSE, ...) {

    if (type == "table") {
        site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
                       id, "/data/csv/", language)
    } else if (type == "dataset") {
        site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/warehouse/cube/",
                       gsub("@", ".", id),
                       "/data/csv/", language)
    } else {
        stop("either table of dataset must be specified")

    if (!is.null(dest.dir))
        message("currently not supported")

    site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/", table, "/lastUpdate")
    con <- url(site)
    ans <- try(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    try(close(con), silent = TRUE)
    em <- geterrmessage()
    if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))

fetch_table_info <- function(table = "rendoblid",
                             dest.dir = NULL,
                             return.class = NULL,
                             verbose = TRUE,
                             language = "en",
                             method, ...) {
    info <- fetch_info(id = id, type = type,
                       language = language,
                       dest.dir = dest.dir,
                       name.sep = name.sep,
                       method = method)

    site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
                   table, "/dimensions/",
    if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
        filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
                           "__", table,
                           "__", id,
                           "__", language,
        filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
        if (!file.exists(filename)) {
            if (verbose)

@@ 55,6 54,7 @@ fetch_table_info <- function(table = "rendoblid",
        em <- geterrmessage()

    if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
        if (verbose) {

@@ 66,56 66,121 @@ fetch_table_info <- function(table = "rendoblid",

    empty <- grep("^ *$", dats)
    header <- dats[1:empty]
    dats <- read.table(text = dats,
                       sep = ";",
                       header = TRUE,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       as.is = TRUE, skip = empty, ...)

    if (do.timeseries) {
        id <- dats[[2]][seq(1, min(which(duplicated(dats[[2]]))) - 1)]
        ans <- vector("list", length(id))
        names(ans) <- as.character(id)
        for (i in as.character(id)) {
            ans[[i]] <- dats[dats[, 2] == i, -2]
        result <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ans, `[[`, 2))
        row.names(result) <- ans[[1]][[1]]

        if (na.drop) {
            drop <- apply(result, 1, function(x) all(!is.finite(x)))
            result <- result[!drop,, drop = FALSE]

    } else {
        result <- dats

    if (!is.null(return.class)) {
        stop("not yet supported")
        if (return.class == "zoo")
            if (requireNamespace("zoo"))
                stop("not yet implemented")
                stop("package ", sQuote("zoo"), " not available")

        else if (return.class == "data.frame")
            result <- ans

        else if (return.class == "list")
            result <- NA


    attr(result, "info") <- unlist(info)

fetch_last_update <- function(id,
                              type = "table",
                              dest.dir = NULL,
                              verbose = TRUE,
                              language = "en", ...) {
    if (!is.null(dest.dir))
        message("currently not supported")

    site <- if (type == "table") {
                       id, "/lastUpdate")
            } else if (type == "dataset") {
                       gsub("@", ".", id), "/lastUpdate")

    con <- url(site)
    ans <- try(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
    try(close(con), silent = TRUE)
    em <- geterrmessage()
    if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
        jsonlite::fromJSON(dats, FALSE)

fetch_table <- function(table = "rendoblid",
                        dest.dir = NULL,
                        return.class = NULL,
                        verbose = TRUE,
                        language = "en",
                        name.sep = " :: ",
                        na.drop = TRUE, ...) {

fetch_info <- function(id,
                       type = "table",
                       dest.dir = NULL,
                       verbose = TRUE,
                       language = "en",
                       name.sep = " :: ",
                       method, ...) {

    .do_item <- function(item, path = "", name.sep = " :: ") {
        if (length(item) == 2 &&
            identical(names(item), c("id", "name"))) {
        id.info[[item$id]] <<- paste0(path, name.sep, item$name)
    } else {
        if (!is.null(item$name))
            path <- paste0(path,
                           if (path != "") name.sep,
        for (i in item) {
            if (is.list(i))
                .do_item(i, path, name.sep)
            id.info[[item$id]] <<- paste0(path, name.sep, item$name)
        } else {
            if (!is.null(item$name))
                path <- paste0(path,
                               if (path != "") name.sep,
            for (i in item) {
                if (is.list(i))
                    .do_item(i, path, name.sep)

    info <- fetch_table_info(table,
                             language = language,
                             dest.dir = dest.dir,
                             method = method)
    items <- info$dimensions ## overview
    id.info <- list()
    if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
        .do_item(items, path = "", name.sep = name.sep)
        id.info <- info

    site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
                   table, "/data/csv/", language)
    if (type == "table") {
        site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
                       id, "/dimensions/", language)
    } else if (type == "dataset") {
        site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/warehouse/cube/",
                       gsub("@", ".", id), "/dimensions/", language)

    if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
        filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
                           "__", table,
                           "__", id,
                           "__", language,
        filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
        if (!file.exists(filename)) {
            if (verbose)

@@ 127,7 192,7 @@ fetch_table <- function(table = "rendoblid",
            if (verbose)
                message("Using cache ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

        dats <- try(readLines(filename), silent = TRUE)
        dats <- try(readLines(filename, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
        em <- geterrmessage()

    } else {

@@ 135,11 200,10 @@ fetch_table <- function(table = "rendoblid",
            message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

        con <- url(site)
        dats <- try(readLines(con), silent = TRUE)
        dats <- try(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
        em <- geterrmessage()

    if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
        if (verbose) {

@@ 151,43 215,335 @@ fetch_table <- function(table = "rendoblid",

    empty <- grep("^ *$", dats)
    header <- dats[1:empty]
    dats <- read.table(text = dats,
                       sep = ";",
                       header = TRUE,
                       stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
                       as.is = TRUE, skip = empty, ...)
    if (requireNamespace("jsonlite")) {
        info <- jsonlite::fromJSON(dats, FALSE)
        items <- info$dimensions ## overview

    id <- dats[[2]][seq(1, min(which(duplicated(dats[[2]]))) - 1)]
    ans <- vector("list", length(id))
    names(ans) <- as.character(id)
    for (i in as.character(id)) {
        ans[[i]] <- dats[dats[, 2] == i, -2]
        id.info <- list()
        .do_item(items, path = "", name.sep = name.sep)
        dats <- id.info
    result <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ans, `[[`, 2))
    row.names(result) <- ans[[1]][[1]]

    if (na.drop) {
        drop <- apply(result, 1, function(x) all(!is.finite(x)))
        result <- result[!drop,, drop = FALSE]
    if (!is.null(return.class)) {
        stop("not yet supported")
        if (return.class == "zoo")
            if (requireNamespace("zoo"))
                stop("not yet implemented")
                stop("package ", sQuote("zoo"), " not available")

        else if (return.class == "data.frame")
            result <- ans

        else if (return.class == "list")
            result <- NA

## fetch_table_date <- function(table = "rendoblid",
##                              dest.dir = NULL,
##                              verbose = TRUE,
##                              language = "en", ...) {

    attr(result, "info") <- unlist(id.info)
##     if (!is.null(dest.dir))
##         message("currently not supported")

##     site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/", table, "/lastUpdate")
##     con <- url(site)
##     ans <- try(readLines(con, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
##     try(close(con), silent = TRUE)
##     em <- geterrmessage()
##     if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
##         jsonlite::fromJSON(ans)
##     else
##         ans
## }

## fetch_table_info <- function(table = "rendoblid",
##                              dest.dir = NULL,
##                              return.class = NULL,
##                              verbose = TRUE,
##                              language = "en",
##                              method, ...) {

##     site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
##                    table, "/dimensions/",
##                    language)
##     if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
##         filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
##                            "__", table,
##                            "__", language,
##                            "__info.csv")
##         filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
##         if (!file.exists(filename)) {
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
##             download.file(url = site, destfile = filename,
##                           method = method,
##                           quiet = TRUE)
##         } else
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Using cache ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         dats <- try(readLines(filename, warn = FALSE), silent = TRUE)
##         em <- geterrmessage()

##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         con <- url(site)
##         dats <- try(readLines(con), silent = TRUE)
##         close(con)
##         em <- geterrmessage()
##     }

##     if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
##         if (verbose) {
##             message("failed")
##             message(em)
##         }
##         return(invisible(NULL))
##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("done")
##     }

##     if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
##         jsonlite::fromJSON(dats, FALSE)
##     else
##         dats
## }

## fetch_table <- function(table = "rendoblid",
##                         dest.dir = NULL,
##                         return.class = NULL,
##                         verbose = TRUE,
##                         method,
##                         language = "en",
##                         name.sep = " :: ",
##                         na.drop = TRUE, ...) {

##     .do_item <- function(item, path = "", name.sep = " :: ") {
##         if (length(item) == 2 &&
##             identical(names(item), c("id", "name"))) {
##             id.info[[item$id]] <<- paste0(path, name.sep, item$name)
##         } else {
##             if (!is.null(item$name))
##                 path <- paste0(path,
##                                if (path != "") name.sep,
##                                item$name)
##             for (i in item) {
##                 if (is.list(i))
##                     .do_item(i, path, name.sep)
##             }
##         }
##     }

##     info <- fetch_table_info(table,
##                              language = language,
##                              dest.dir = dest.dir,
##                              method = method)
##     items <- info$dimensions ## overview
##     id.info <- list()
##     if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
##         .do_item(items, path = "", name.sep = name.sep)
##     else
##         id.info <- info

##     site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/cube/",
##                    table, "/data/csv/", language)

##     if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
##         filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
##                            "__", table,
##                            ".csv")
##         filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
##         if (!file.exists(filename)) {
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
##             download.file(url = site, destfile = filename,
##                           method = method,
##                           quiet = TRUE)
##         } else
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Using cache ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         dats <- try(readLines(filename), silent = TRUE)
##         em <- geterrmessage()

##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         con <- url(site)
##         dats <- try(readLines(con), silent = TRUE)
##         close(con)
##         em <- geterrmessage()
##     }

##     if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
##         if (verbose) {
##             message("failed")
##             message(em)
##         }
##         return(invisible(NULL))
##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("done")
##     }

##     empty <- grep("^ *$", dats)
##     header <- dats[1:empty]
##     dats <- read.table(text = dats,
##                        sep = ";",
##                        header = TRUE,
##                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
##                        as.is = TRUE, skip = empty, ...)

##     id <- dats[[2]][seq(1, min(which(duplicated(dats[[2]]))) - 1)]
##     ans <- vector("list", length(id))
##     names(ans) <- as.character(id)
##     for (i in as.character(id)) {
##         ans[[i]] <- dats[dats[, 2] == i, -2]
##     }
##     result <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ans, `[[`, 2))
##     row.names(result) <- ans[[1]][[1]]

##     if (na.drop) {
##         drop <- apply(result, 1, function(x) all(!is.finite(x)))
##         result <- result[!drop,, drop = FALSE]
##     }
##     if (!is.null(return.class)) {
##         stop("not yet supported")
##         if (return.class == "zoo")
##             if (requireNamespace("zoo"))
##                 stop("not yet implemented")
##             else
##                 stop("package ", sQuote("zoo"), " not available")

##         else if (return.class == "data.frame")
##             result <- ans

##         else if (return.class == "list")
##             result <- NA

##     }

##     attr(result, "info") <- unlist(id.info)
##     result
## }

## fetch_dataset <- function(dataset = "BSTA@SNB.JAHR_U.BIL.AKT.TOT",
##                           dest.dir = NULL,
##                           return.class = NULL,
##                           verbose = TRUE,
##                           method,
##                           language = "en",
##                           name.sep = " :: ",
##                           na.drop = TRUE, ...) {

##     .do_item <- function(item, path = "", name.sep = " :: ") {
##         if (length(item) == 2 &&
##             identical(names(item), c("id", "name"))) {
##             id.info[[item$id]] <<- paste0(path, name.sep, item$name)
##         } else {
##             if (!is.null(item$name))
##                 path <- paste0(path,
##                                if (path != "") name.sep,
##                                item$name)
##             for (i in item) {
##                 if (is.list(i))
##                     .do_item(i, path, name.sep)
##             }
##         }
##     }

##     info <- fetch_info(dataset = dataset,
##                        language = language,
##                        dest.dir = dest.dir,
##                        method = method)
##     items <- info$dimensions ## overview
##     id.info <- list()
##     if (requireNamespace("jsonlite"))
##         .do_item(items, path = "", name.sep = name.sep)
##     else
##         id.info <- info

##     site <- paste0("https://data.snb.ch/api/warehouse/cube/",
##                    gsub("@", ".", dataset),
##                    "/data/csv/", language)

##     if (!is.null(dest.dir)) {
##         filename <- paste0(format(Sys.Date(), "%Y%m%d"),
##                            "__", dataset,
##                            ".csv")
##         filename <- file.path(dest.dir, filename)
##         if (!file.exists(filename)) {
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)
##             download.file(url = site, destfile = filename,
##                           method = method,
##                           quiet = TRUE)
##         } else
##             if (verbose)
##                 message("Using cache ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         dats <- try(readLines(filename), silent = TRUE)
##         em <- geterrmessage()

##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("Downloading data from SNB ... ", appendLF = FALSE)

##         con <- url(site)
##         dats <- try(readLines(con), silent = TRUE)
##         close(con)
##         em <- geterrmessage()
##     }

##     if (inherits(dats, "try-error")) {
##         if (verbose) {
##             message("failed")
##             message(em)
##         }
##         return(invisible(NULL))
##     } else {
##         if (verbose)
##             message("done")
##     }

##     empty <- grep("^ *$", dats)
##     header <- dats[1:(empty - 1)]
##     dats <- read.table(text = dats,
##                        sep = ";",
##                        header = TRUE,
##                        stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
##                        as.is = TRUE, skip = empty, ...)

##     ## id <- dats[[2]][seq(1, min(which(duplicated(dats[[2]]))) - 1)]
##     ## ans <- vector("list", length(id))
##     ## names(ans) <- as.character(id)
##     ## for (i in as.character(id)) {
##     ##     ans[[i]] <- dats[dats[, 2] == i, -2]
##     ## }
##     ## result <- do.call(cbind, lapply(ans, `[[`, 2))
##     ## row.names(result) <- ans[[1]][[1]]
##     result <- dats

##     if (na.drop) {
##         warning("ignored")

##         ## drop <- apply(result, 1, function(x) all(!is.finite(x)))
##         ## result <- result[!drop,, drop = FALSE]
##     }
##     if (!is.null(return.class)) {
##         stop("not yet supported")
##         if (return.class == "zoo")
##             if (requireNamespace("zoo"))
##                 stop("not yet implemented")
##             else
##                 stop("package ", sQuote("zoo"), " not available")

##         else if (return.class == "data.frame")
##             result <- ans

##         else if (return.class == "list")
##             result <- NA

##     }

##     attr(result, "info") <- unlist(id.info)
##     result
## }

M man/SNBdata.Rd => man/SNBdata.Rd +35 -27
@@ 1,9 1,9 @@
  Download Data from the Swiss National Bank (SNB)

@@ 15,62 15,70 @@

fetch_table(table = "rendoblid", dest.dir = NULL,
            return.class = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
            language = "en",
            name.sep = " :: ",
            na.drop = TRUE, ...)
fetch_table_date(table = "rendoblid",
                 dest.dir = NULL,
                 verbose = TRUE,
                 language = "en", ...)
fetch_table_info(table = "rendoblid", dest.dir = NULL,
                 return.class = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
                 language = "en", method, ...)
fetch_data(id, type = "table",
           dest.dir = NULL,
           return.class = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
           language = "en",
           name.sep = " :: ",
           na.drop = TRUE, ...)
                  dest.dir = NULL,
                  verbose = TRUE,
                  language = "en", ...)
fetch_info(id, dest.dir = NULL,
           return.class = NULL, verbose = TRUE,
           language = "en", method, ...)
    file path: where to store the files?
    the name of the table
    string: identifier of the table/dataset
    string: \sQuote{\code{table}} or \sQuote{\code{dataset}}
   see \code{\link{download.file}}
    logical: print messages, e.g. about download progress?
  \item{return.class}{\code{NULL} or character:
      not yet implemented (but in future versions, 
      not yet implemented (but in future versions,
    \code{\link[zoo]{zoo}} will be supported)
    string: \code{en}, \code{fr}, or \code{de}
    passed on to \code{\link{read.table}}
    string used when pasting description hierarchies
    logical. If \code{TRUE}, rows with no finite values at all
    are dropped.

  The \acronym{SNB} provides data as tables and datasets
  The \acronym{SNB} provides data as tables and datasets.

  typically a \code{\link{data.frame}}.


  for \code{help} on the \acronym{API},

  Enrico Schumann