vis-cscope implements a cscope[0] interface for the vis editor[1].
It offers similar usage to the vim cscope plugin[2]. This plugin
performs a one off line orient search every time. It does not keep
a cscope process alive in the background. While this makes the
implementation simpler it does mean that the entire cscope database
is read for every search.
0 s Find this C symbol:
1 g Find this global definition:
2 d Find functions called by this function:
3 c Find functions calling this function:
4 t Find this text string:
Change this text string:
6 e Find this egrep pattern:
7 f Find this file:
8 i Find files #including this file:
9 a Find assignments to this symbol:
To install, symlink this directory somewhere in your `LUA_PATH` and
require the name of the directory. Use `:help lua path` in vis to see the
locations lua will search. For example, I have a `$VIS_PATH/plugins`
directory and a symlink inside there to this directory. In my
`$VIS_PATH/visrc.lua` I `require('plugins/vis-cscope')`. This is
preferable to just copying the lua file so that `:cscope help` can find
this README alongside the plugin and display it.
To find the global definition of a symbol, e.g. myfunc:
:cscope g myfunc
:cs g myfunc
or place the cursor over the word myfunc and
The <C-/> binding is used for the similarity to using / for search.
The <C-]> binding is to emulate ctags usage. Because <C-/> is reported
as <C-_>, <C-_> and <C--> work as well. The plugin does not use <C-\>
as vim's plugin does because vis currently does not handle <C-\> when
built with curses.
To search for other fields use the one character field abbreviations
from the fields section. E.g. to find all assignments to myvar:
:cs a myvar
or place the cursor over the word myvar and
In normal mode the query is the word text object the primary cursor
is on. In visual mode the query is the text of the primary selection.
If only one result is returned, it is jumped to. Otherwise results are
fed through vis-menu[3] for selection.
To jump back to a previous position use:
:cscope pop
cscope database
This plugin will search upwards from the current file being edited (or
PWD if no file is being edited) until it finds a file named cscope.out.
That file path is passed to cscope using the -f option.
This plugin can handle databases with absolute or relative paths.
other languages
Because this plugin uses cscope, it can also work with any code
indexers that can export to cscope format, e.g. starscope[4].
Please report bugs, ask questions, give comments, and send patches to
Please use git send-email[5] to send patches and remember to
git config format.subjectPrefix 'PATCH vis-cscope'
before sending your patch as the mailing list is used for multiple